"Got That Morgan!?"

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I took a deep breath and stepped up on the front porch Morgan it's gonna be fine I convinced myself sadly and entered the home, a few seconds after I stepped inside I saw Karston at the kitchen island with his head in his hands

"Hey," I said softly, his head shot up like a bottle rocket

"Morgan!" Karston grinned and quickly ran over to me drowning me in a hug

"I was so worried about you, we couldn't even text you," Karston whispered into me

"Yeah well I am here, sorry I ran out I just couldn't take it anymore," I explained not that I owe anyone an explanation of my actions

"Morgan," Brett's voice darted off the walls and into my ears and I pulled away from Karstons arms even if he's mad I will stand my ground I couldn't care less if he hates me for a few days

"Hey Brett," I greeted him, he walked over a tad closer

"Matty is out right now but he is the one to thank as he gave us the realization of how shitty mom was to you, we thought if we went to see her she would love us again but it's clear as shit we aren't the issue," Brett explained, now this is the explanation I had been waiting on even though I kind of expected it to be honest

"Yeah I thought that a while back too, her pointing out our flaws doesn't help either," I shrugged my shoulders

"I am sorry I didn't stick up for you when Brett was shitting on you Morgan, on a real note whose clothes are those?" Karston perked a brow, I felt my cheeks flush pink

"About that," I scratched my neck awkwardly and smiled

"Morgan," Brett snapped trying to keep the anger down knowing I hate it when he is mad, I looked at him

"Okay so before you get mad Adam slept on his couch and gave me clothes to wear so he wouldn't see me naked," I blurted out nervous of what my brothers would do, their faces contorted a few times before settling at an upsetness that traced every feature of their bone structure

"Did he touch you? Or say something weird? Or did he even look at you weird?" Brett asked me quickly, I shook my head as the memories of late last night flooded in, Adam brought me in from the dark rainstorm

"No, he didn't do anything he actually made me feel safe for once in a while. He made me come to his house because he didn't want me outside in the rain and alone at night," I told the boys, they looked at me and Karston raised a brow again,

"Cut the bullshit, what do you want?" Karston asked me and I knew what I wanted, what I wanted was Adam Banks and to be able to go on that trip with him so what's the worst that could happen

"Adam invited me to go on a trip just outside of Edina for a golf tournament, his parents are gonna be there, please please please please let me go" I begged, they looked at me with cold and harsh glares and I already knew what they would say

"Absolutely not!"

"Yeah no fucking way are we falling for that shit, oh he's so nice though and we are just friends, bullshit there is no way you are leaving this house to see that boy again, not without us at least" Brett snapped coldly, jeez I knew they would say no but they can't do this

"But we aren't even dating bro, that's not fair," I protested and started up the stairs to my room, the boys followed me

"It is fair, this boy could hurt you and if you are on a trip in a hotel room all alone outside of Edina where it will probably be a long drive to get back if you want to leave because of him it's not worth it. I don't want you going," Brett told me, I sat on my bed and looked at Karston hoping he would budge just for me

"No Morgan! Brett has a point, okay and there is no way my little sister is going out of town with a Banks, do you know what his brother is like? Homie hopper, probably a pedophile seeing as how you're a minor," Karston stood his ground even though I knew he wanted to break, I sighed

"Okay, I get it and I respect how you guys care about me. If I don't go am I allowed to see him and hang out cause we are pretty good friends?" I asked

"No, not until- ever." Brett snarled, I laid back and chewed my cheek

"Alright," I whispered but I know they heard me

"Morgan, how about we just stop being friends with Adam, I don't think you should trust him," Karston patted my leg and left my room after Brett did, I grabbed my phone and saw the text from Adam on my lock screen but I trust him, should I? Am I being a dumb and reckless teen girl? I sighed and curled into a ball not wanting to be anything more than a small nothingness atom because that's how small I feel right now.


I rolled my eyes as the coach explained how I need to treat the new player on our team with respect how the fuck am I supposed to respect someone if they didn't earn it?

"Got That Morgan!?" Coach snapped, I rolled my eyes but nodded my head, he walked out and slammed the door behind him

"Hey, Morgan did you hear that? You got in trouble instead of me," Alex taunted, with every bone in my body I fought the urge to beat his face in

"It's cool, okay just leave it alone," Kaiden said quietly and patted my shoulder as he walked out of the locker room behind me.

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