especially for you

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I groaned softly as I tossed out of my daydream and was faced with the real world, I heard my phone ding I guess that's what brought me back

Adam 🏒🫶

Hi Morgan, can I come over so you could help me with the math assignment?

hey banks, yea sure come over at 6 bc my brothers won't be here so they can't embarrass me again

Brett, Karston, and Matty aka ur older brothers, embarrass you? Oh wow I'd never think of that

stop being so mad cause my dick is longer than yours


I got out of bed satisfied with the text I sent and realized Adam will be here in like half an hour and I am still in my hardly clothes-clothes which is basically a bra and shorts, I grabbed a hoodie that I think is Adams and put it over top of the gym shorts I was wearing good enough I walked downstairs and waited in the kitchen.

I heard a knock on the door and I walked from the kitchen to get it, I was excited since I haven't seen Adam since the dinner of course at school but we have only one class together and we are always with our teammates at lunch, I opened it and saw Adam greet me with a smile but it dropped when he saw what I was wearing

"I knew you took my hoodie you bitch," Adam told me, I smiled

"I missed you too Adam," I joked and shut the door as he walked into the kitchen

"You know I missed you darling," Adam smiled warmly at me and kissed my head, I felt myself blush and I sat down at the island with him as he pulled out his binder

"So what don't you understand again?" I asked him, and he put the paper between us moving his pencil around the parts he didn't get

"kay so I don't even know what to do with this kind of thing, but just memorize it. If you memorize it your golden, you dig?" I asked him, he nodded his head at me. We worked for about forty minutes until I had lost interest and Adam was more confused than he was when we started

"How about we just go upstairs?" I offered Adam and a smile curled on my lips, he nodded his head and started filing papers back into the binder of course I didn't help so instead I stood behind him with my arms wrapped around his torso

"Morgan could you let go of me it would make this lot easier, and faster," Adam told me, I smiled

"I strive to make things difficult, especially for you," I laughed and fiddled my hands on Adam's shirt wrapping the soft material around my fingers and the letting it go I moved my hand and played with the loop on his cargos for a few seconds, I could feel Adam's heartbeat and it was relaxed as mine was at least I know he is comfortable with me I leaned my head into his back growing impatient

"okay I am done, we can go now," Adam laughed and got off the stool pushing me backward, he dashed up the stairs and stopped at the top as I looked up at him with sweet eyes hoping he would carry me upstairs

"You know my legs are pretty sore from my lift yeste-"

"-just get up here already," Adam cut me off and looked at me from the top of the stairwell, I pouted and climbed the stairs without being carried jeez thanks Adam I reached the top and headed to my room where I found Adam laying on my bed I admired him for a second before sliding next to him

"Adam," I mumbled wanting his attention

"Mhm," Adam replied not looking up from his phone, I could see him playing a game but I couldn't give two shits I want to lay on him I tucked my head into his chest and put my arms around his neck

"I can't see man," Adam laughed, I waved him off and remained with my arms around him, he gave in to me and put his phone down leaving two arms to hold me in

I flinched when I heard the front door open then slam, I looked up at my door and it was shut so if the boys were to come upstairs they wouldn't see Adam immediately

"Morgan we're home!" Brett shouted, I looked at Adam and he was about to take his arms off of me but I lay my head back down not caring if they were to walk in, a knocking beat like a drum on my doorframe before it opened slowly, I looked up and saw Karston in the doorway he looked at Adam and didn't even look at me

"Morgan, can we talk?" Karston asked me, I nodded my head and Adam let go of me

"When did we say it was okay for him to come over? Did dad tell you?" Karston asked me the second I was in the hallway, I left my door open slightly and looked at my brother

"Dad knows about Adam, he knows his family. I don't see why you need to care so much," I explained as I crossed my arms on my chest

"Morgan you are a fifteen-year-old girl, he is a teen boy. I know what teen boys are like Morgan and as your older brother I get to tell you what you can't do when dad isn't home," Karston told me, I shook my head at him

"Why does it matter? Adam wouldn't hurt me, he makes me feel safe and cared about, he makes me feel home just like you guys do," I snapped, I wanted to cry almost but I shouldn't, Karston looked at me and how saddened I was

"Morgan come here," Karston sighed and pulled me into a hug, I hugged him tightly and he kissed my head

"I'm sorry I didn't ask," I whispered through gentle, quiet cries

"It's alright, If he makes you feel safe that's what I care about, I will never not worry about you though," Karston told me, I looked at him and he wiped my tear with the pad of his thumb

"I love you asshat," I smiled, he rolled his eyes

"You know we all love you, cunt," Karston said whispering the last part, I scoffed but ended up laughing as he walked away, I sniffled my nose quietly and went back into my room where I was greeted by Adam pulling me into a hug I was surprised but I hugged back almost immediately

"You mean that? That I make you feel home?" Adam asked, I nodded my head and breathed out deeply he pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso god this is what I dream about

"Of course I mean it," I told him, he smiled down at me and carried me the few feet to my bed before setting me down and him laying down next to me

"Morgan," Adam said, I looked at him and smiled a small smile

"Can I kiss you please?" Adam asked me, I laughed and leaned into him settling our lips on each other, slowly and sloppily we made out for a few minutes as my fingers became knotted in his blonde hair and his hands had found their way to my back holding me close to him as we bask in the stillness of my room just simply enjoying each others company


"Adam, can you stay the night?" She asked me, I let go of her and searched for my phone it's 7:45 and I was supposed to be home by now because of a family thing

"I think I have to be home because of a-"

"-please don't leave Adam," She whispered and dug her head deeper into my chest holding my body tight to hers, I felt my heart flutter and cheeks turned pink sorry mom I couldn't leave her if I tried

"I won't go okay, I'll stay here," I whispered and rubbed circles onto her back gently, I relaxed, even more somehow and I guess just like that I can now tell Morgan she is right when she calls me obsessed.

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