02 Lake

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As soon as Taylor left my apartment, I grabbed my coat and shoes and headed out the door as well. At first I had no idea where to find a normal guy my age, but I decided that there were plenty of them at the bar everyone goes to.

When I walked into the bar, I was immediately struck by the very loud music bursting from the speakers around the bar. As I thought, there was a bunch of people my age at the bar tonight, and I noticed some of them were doing dares too.

I walked over to the bar and I ordered myself a drink and sat on the stool. I scanned the bar for anyone who seemed chill and laid back to talk to, and potentially go skinny dipping with them. I couldn't find anyone that made me comfortable so I just waited for someone to come up to me.

After a few drinks I decided to give up and go home so I grabbed my purse and stood up from my stool. I was stopped by a man blocking my way.

"Excuse me could you move please", I said to the guy blocking my exit.

The guy didn't move so I raised my voice higher because I assumed he didn't hear me over the loud music. "I said excuse me could you move."

Still not one inch of movement. At this point I had lost all my patience and was ready to jump the guy. "Will you fucking move dumbass, or have you lost all brain cells!", I raised my voice at him.

The dude let out a smirk but he still wouldn't let me pass. So I did what was only the reasonable thing to do. I pushed him so hard he almost went flying. "Jesus christ, calm down hothead"

"Oh so now I get a reaction out of you."

He chuckles. "Relax it was just a dare."

His voice sent shivers up my spine. I quickly shrugged it off because I don't know anything about this guy other than he's rude and annoying. I shouldn't be feeling tingly.

"And what was your dare? Make me want to kill myself?"

The annoying guy started laughing so hard, he was clutching his stomach and seeing his laugh put a smile on my face.

He recovered and crossed his arms across his chest. "No... I had to annoy a girl so much that she'd hit me."

"Well I guess you were successful", I answered remembering how hard I'd pushed him.

He cleared his throat. "Hey I kind of feel bad. Are you in the contest too?"

I gave him a questionable look and put my hands on my hips. "Why?"

"Well, I could help you with your dare."

I stared at him for a moment then let a laugh slip out. "Oh trust me you don't want to help me with my dare."

He scrunched his eyebrows. "I'm sure it's not that hard. And I want to help you."

I thought about it for a moment. I really did need to finish that dare and I was running out of time. I know I barely know him, but it's either him or another guy who i
I'll know less and probably won't offer to help me.

"Okay you can help, but you have to promise that you'll help me with the dare no matter what it is and that it won't be awkward after."

He looked at me for a brief moment and then clapped his hands together. "Okay I promise. What's the dare", he asked in anticipation.

I grabbed his hand and leaded us outside the bar. I took a deep breath and looked in his eyes. "I have to go skinny dipping with a stranger."

The dudes eyebrows raised. "Thats your crazy dare?", he asked confused.

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