Chapter 3

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"Hey Lucas!" I yelled out. He turns and looks at me. "What about the science project? Am not doing it alone" he slowly walks towards me and leans in "what's in it for me?" "I'll tell you about Athena." His eyes lit up, he scoots away and smiles and nods. "Meet you tomorrow after school at your place then" then walks away

I start blushing and smile at the thought of him being at my house. I walk home alone and my cat greets me as usual. I pet him and place my stuff on the couch, I give my cat food and then head to shower.

Time skip
(It's 10 now)

"What?! You're gonna tell him about me! Are you kidding me!" Athen yelled at me
"Calm down! Only a little, stop yelling you're gonna break the call and our phones" she muttered something that I couldn't hear but heard Lucas name "wanna share something to the class athen?" She just says she's heading to bed and hangs up. Maybe I shouldn't have told Lucas about Athena. I put my phone down and call my cat. He runs to me and cuddles with me like every other night.

(Am sorry last time skip )
In school at lunch

The usual thing happens, the boys give Athena stuff,she turns them down, and we eat. It's a cycle that goes on and on and if they bring food or stuff I can snatch it from them! Come on it's free, tho athen doesn't like it when I do it. "Can you stop encouraging them to give me stuff?" Athena asked "sorry but you have to agree this milkshake is to die for dude!" She roll her eyes but nods in agreement. The bell rang and I head to class.

It was the same history lesson but we had a test and I studied but forgot half of it. The teacher hands out our papers and I start working on it, after a large amount of minutes go by people start finishing and then I do too. Once I place my paper on my teachers table the bell rings. My last period is a free period so I just sit by my locker and listen to music while waiting for the end of class. I had my hair down today because I didn't have enough time to fix up my hair.

While I was packing my things to get ready to go I see Lucas walking towards me, shoot I forgot he was coming over. "You ready? Let's leave now since your doing nothing" Lucas says. "But it's still class time? Why arnt you in class" I ask. He just grabs my hand and we start running out of the building, We stop once we no longer saw the school.

I laughed "Are you crazy? We could get caught" I punched him playfully "yeah well I wasn't waiting any longer the guys weren't doing anything for Athena today" I grabbed my phone and texted athen that I left school early for a project. Me and lucas start walking to my house and we talk on the way home. We're at my house and I take my keys to open the door. Once I do my cat greets me but then purs on lucas foot.

" c/n? You always hiss at other people?" I ask him but he just stares at me so I put him down and head to get his food. "Make yourself comfortable I guess" I tell Lucas. He sits down on my couch and c/n joins him.

No ones pov

Y/n finishes pouring her cats food and brings out water,soda, and chips for her and her partner. She sits down next to him and she talks to him about how the project will look like. Little did she know, lucas hand was under her skirt and none of them noticed. "So how are we starting?" Y/n asks " check on google classroom dummy" Lucas talks back. While y/n checks her phone, Lucas decides to play around with her but didn't know about the skirt problem. His hand landing on y/n's thigh, he quickly takes his hand off her and doesn't say anything.


Hello ik this is a short story but am tried asf it's 3:58 a.m almost 4, I was planning to finish this yesterday but I was lazy I guess. Also I did not expect many of you guys to read my story omg I just expected like 10 views or something likes that 😅 anyways I will try to post more chapters faster also there's no smut this is safe dirty minders 😒

789 words

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