Chapter 1

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My name is Kyler King (20)

I know it sounds like a boy's name when in fact it's a woman's name, my name.

Last time you saw me was on the challenge Invasion of the Champions where I was a rookie and where CT and I won which I know puts a huge target on our backs this time.

Now the reason why I'm on dirty 30 well, I'm sure the whole Ashley situation last season permits me as a dirty player.

Well, here I am Ready to win my second season not a rookie this time but learnt a few tricks along the way, let's hope they work.


TJ Lavin the host watches as the competitors arrive and stand on the stands on in front of them in two rows, once everyone arrives, he starts talking,

"Welcome everybody to the beautiful Cartagena Columbia, this marks the 30th season of The Challenge.

Usually this is the part of the show where I say you guys are looking good, bunch of good competitors, well not anymore...

This a little different...

Right now, I'm looking at the shadiest, most unpredictable, conniving, and cunning players we could find, but above all the most downright dirty (competitors cheer)

With that being said I'd like to welcome you to the challenge Dirty 30 (competitors cheer again)

Look around no one can be trusted, you guys are backstabbers, master manipulators, you've even been deceitful enough to steal money from your opponents

For that I say good job, I mean this is the challenge and nice guys finish last in the challenge, right? (There were agreements in the crowd)

Now I know one thing dirty players love and that's money, so how's 350 000 dollars sound (There was lots of cheering)


TJ Lavin Confessional:

I lied this challenge is worth a million dollars, I'm gonna play a dirty game as well and I wanna see who really wants to be here, so I'm gonna wait to tell them about the million dollars and it's gonna be good


TJ carries on speaking to the crowd, but beware Dirty 30 is going to be the most cutthroat and vicious season ever, so you're going to have to out dirty your opponent before they out dirty you..."

He carried on explaining the game play and then warned then that they were all alone in the game.

"Now I count only 28 of you, so who's missing? Bananas...", TJ pointed to Bananas for a answer.

"Well, CT wasn't allowed into the country, (Causing some to laugh) for one reason or another apparently the federally didn't want him here so...", TJ interrupts him, "Are you serious", and Bananas carried on, "He got stopped at the boarder"

There was a quick selfie video of CT explaining that they didn't accept his passport even though it was valid so now he was trying to get a new one.

"That explains where CT is, but where's my other one?", TJ asked, "TJ, Kyler's plane had problems and had to turn around, luckily no one was injured and she will hopefully be here soon", Bananas explained


Selfie Camera:

"So, I'm on my way to the Challenge in Columbia, (Shows the plane she's about to board) and I absolutely cannot wait, but there have been some issues with the first plane I was on, so I'm just glad it's over and I'll be there soon,

CT just told me that he is having trouble with his passport so it's only fitting that the two past campions run late and make a dramatic entrance"


"It just shows that they are the dirtiest player in the game", said TJ (causing everyone to have a laugh)

"They so dirty one couldn't even get into the country and the other blew the planes wing", Johnny commented


The Challenge Dirty 30- JOHNNY BANANASWhere stories live. Discover now