Chapter 23: Battle of a Thousand Years

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Clyde and Oskelo stared blankly at their foe.

"Warning," said Sam from behind. "This action is not in compliance with orders from the original design. Eliminating the only non-projected subject will destroy the Oracle Occurrence."

"So be it," said Clyde.

"Warning: Should either non-projected subjects be killed in the Oracle Occurrence, a real life casualty will occur."

"So be it," said Indestructous.

"How?" Clyde began, baring his teeth. "How did you do it?"

"Make my transformation from human to Kin?" Indestructous inquired. "The how is not so much important as the why. It was needed."

"But why the Untamed then?" Clyde blurted. "What happened along the way? Why did you join a group hell bent on destroying this island you swore you would protect for as long as you lived?"

Indestructous remained quiet.

"And after everything Balthazar did for you," Clyde continued, heaving his breaths. "Do you not remember what you went through?" He was practically screaming at this point. He was somewhere in between anger and disbelief of how a little boy would grow to become one of the most powerful Kin he had ever seen.

"I watch the memories," said Indestructous. "Hoping to understand that feeling again. However, after one thousand years, it no longer feels like my own memory. It becomes the history of another person, insignificant and useless."

"I don't care it it's been ten thousand years!" Clyde blurted. "Those are your memories!"

"You speak without knowledge," Indestructous whispered. "Live for one thousand years as I have and you will understand that such memories are but mere blinks of the eye."

Clyde had had enough and Oskelo read his mind perfectly. He launched himself at Indestructous and rammed his sword through him. Indestructous roared and collapsed to his knees. He breathed heavily for a moment.

"I see," he gasped. "My other form is also being attacked. I've... never been so close to death..."

He stood and Oskelo quickly leapt away. Then, without any hesitation, Indestructous removed his cloak - the exact moment his other form had done.

Both Kane and Clyde now faced the exact same form: No longer was it just a hooded figure with armor. Instead, there now stood a young man, his entire body was silver and slick. His eyes were completely red, lacking any sort of pupil or iris. Red lines travelled down his face from his eyes and to his neck. Around his arms were shields the size of Oskelo's sword. His silver hair pointed skyward. He took a single step forward, causing the ground beneath him to crack under the weight.

"Isembard," Clyde whispered. The figure in front of him indeed looked very similar to the Isembard he had seen in the cave. How was this possible? What did Balthazar do to him?

"Isembard is dead," said Indestructous. "I am only Indestructous now. The Obliterator."

"Not The Heart of Steel?" Clyde spat.

"That title means nothing. It faded away into the past. All that matters is now. Beginning with your death."

You remember what Balthazar said, correct? Oskelo panted. In order to defeat him once and for all, both versions of him must be eliminated simultaneously.

That means Kane must be fighting him right now outside of the Oracle Occurrence, Clyde thought feeling his chest swell. We're going to be fighting together... only across a thousand years.

The Untamed: The Oracle OccurrenceWhere stories live. Discover now