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Book 1

Many would say that Clyde Skiles was born a psychopath. Of course, this would have been true were it not for the fact that there was more to him than met the eye.

Born without parents, Clyde was raised by the atrocious, Ms. Hansen, a cranky English teacher that hated Clyde with a passion and only took him in to receive monetary compensation. After a rough childhood littered with accidents and problems, Clyde returned to school after a long stretch of being home schooled.

There, he met Kane Stryker, the man who introduced him to the world of the tamers. As the two prepared to head for the land of the tamers, they ran into Anya Almendariz, Clyde's crush. At the same time, one of Kane's many Kin, Ignatious engages in a duel with the strongest Kin alive – Varensis.

The trio are forced to flee, bringing Anya along with them with little choice. As they traveled, Clyde learned more about the three legendary Kin – the black cloak (who is currently missing), the gold cloak (had his soul removed), and the white cloak. After a brief duel with a Kin named Euno, claiming that he was after Anya, the three arrived in Endnark where Clyde met the five advisors, King Zane, and the rest of the royal family.

Kasydra (Kassy) appeared to be the most levelheaded of the royal triplets. Jasydra (Jassy) seemed the most childish, and Seyth was the most stubborn and stuck up. Shortly after arriving on the island, Clyde is enrolled into classes with Kassy, Jassy, and Seyth in order to pass the Taming Exam. During this time, Clyde learned the story of the heroic boy named Bane – Kane and Zane's youngest brother who was killed in a war twenty years ago.

As the exam draws near, the island is attacked by the ruthless Ganthro, explaining that he was part of an unknown group and that his objective was to capture both Clyde and Anya. Ignatious quickly came to the rescue and put a stop to Ganthro's plans. Realizing more than ever that Clyde needed to pass the Taming Exam, Kane introduced him to Queen Sparla who henceforth provided Clyde with supplemental assistance to pass.

Despite this, however, Clyde fails the exam and is left practically defenseless. It is shortly after his failure that the island's messenger, Gill, delivers a threatening message from Krone, one of the five advisors. Clyde is ordered to meet Krone near the Vault, the place where the Gold Kin's soul is stored, and deliver Balthazar the Invincible's (the strongest tamer in history) diary which Clyde happened to stumble upon in the island's library.

Upon arriving at the Vault, Clyde stumbles into both Krone and Euno where Clyde learns that Krone's threat was simply an act to get Euno trapped. Kane arrives on the scene shortly after where he and his Kin defeat Euno once and for all.

However, just as this battle concludes, the white cloaked Kin makes a sudden appearance. A desperate attempt is made to defeat Varensis, but when Kane realizes it is all in vain, he gives Clyde the crystal containing the gold Kin's soul, explaining that Clyde is the only one that has the power to stop Varensis.

Following a series of hallucinations, Clyde collapses and awakens in the hospital where he learns that the crystal in his hand contained one of the five parts of the gold Kin's soul and that Clyde's strange connection with the crystal allowed him to tame Varensis.

Meanwhile, thanks to the information gathered by Krone, everyone learns that both Ganthro and Euno worked for a group called the Untamed. Eager to warn the other tamer cities about this threat, Krone leaves Endnark. However, his motives are vastly different from what he claims...

Book 2

It doesn't take long for Clyde to learn that Varensis refuses to listen to any of Clyde's commands. Upon realizing this, Clyde plans to take the taming exam yet again. However, before he can do so, a letter from Krone arrives at Endnark, explaining that the other tamer schools wishe to form a symbiotic relationship with Endnark. And after some heavy debate, the advisors decide to become allied with the school known as Middlehaven.

Thus, in order to finalize details of the alliance, Clyde, Anya, Kane, and Seyth travel to Middlehaven, where, after fighting off an army of Kin at sea, they meet King Antharon, Atticus Castor, and Felix Hunter – one of the five that resonates with the Gold Kin's soul.

Atticus and Felix accompany the gang back to Endnark after a close encounter with yet another Kin claiming to be a member of the Untamed. Upon his return, Clyde is led to a secret dungeon in the bottom of the palace by a mysterious Kin. In the dungeon, Clyde meets all the Kin that were being kept captive for future taming exams.

It is here that Clyde runs into the Kin he lost to during the taming exam – Oskelo. Thus, Clyde decided that the best way to tame Oskelo was to do it right there in the dungeon itself. After a few more days of preparation, Clyde battles Oskelo and emerges victorious.

Not long after that, Clyde is told about the horrible, Apparition Effect by Kane. The mysterious Kin Clyde had met was in fact, a ghost of a Kin that wanted Clyde to fulfill a secret mission. Failure to do so would lead to possession or death. After some serious digging around, Clyde learns about the mysterious Kin's tamer named Amias who used to be a friend of Seyth's when he was a child.

Meanwhile, the taming exams begin again where Kassy passes but Jassy is nowhere to be found. It is assumed that the mysterious Kin (Positra) kidnapped her because of Clyde's inability to fulfill Positra's mission.

Desperate to get out of this curse, Clyde decides it's time to confront Seyth about Amias. However, Felix gets to Seyth first, and after a duel of rage, Felix's Kin, Calodous, is defeated. Shortly after, the Kin that they had run into at sea that claimed to be a member of the Untamed appeared and snatched Felix, transporting him to some unknown location. Both Kane and Atticus arrive on the scene. In a burst of fury, Atticus accuses Endnark of kidnapping Felix.

After a duel between Kane's Kin, Ignatious, and Atticus' Kin, Flareous, Kane reveals that the murderer of Bane was Atticus himself. Atticus, however, explains that in place of Bane, he actually killed his own Kin named Phormus who took the shape of Bane. It is thus revealed, that Bane is still alive and is out there somewhere.

Deciding it was time to figure out what happened to Felix and Jassy (and Gill), Clyde spies on a meeting between Zane, Kane, and Atticus with some assistance from Positra. After learning that the three were being held captive in the Vault, Clyde immediately decides to return to the Vault himself.

Kassy accompanies Clyde to the Vault where they meet Seyth. It is then that Clyde realizes Positra's mission for Clyde was to help Seyth get over the loss of his childhood friend, Amias. Pleased with Clyde's help, Positra vanishes at last, letting Clyde, Kassy, and Seyth enter the Vault.

Just as the three enter, however, another Kin by the name of Mephistopheles enters and aids them in their attempt to rescue Jassy, Felix, and Gill. As they near the final chamber, Clyde goes in alone with Kassy, Seyth, and Mephistopheles providing fighting cover.

Inside the final chamber, Clyde finds Jassy, Felix, and Gill unconscious. But they are not alone as the Kin working for the Untamed reveals himself to be Phormus – the Kin that had died in Bane's place.

In a desperate attempt to defeat Phormus, Oskelo duels him but fails horribly. At that moment, Mephistopheles appears along with another person, and together, they force Phormus to flee. It turns out that Mephistopheles' tamer is Bane himself.

He explains that he, as well as Krone, are part of a group called the Gatekeepers and they secretly run the world however they want through subtle means. Clyde falls unconscious after this brief meeting and awakens yet again in the hospital.

Realizing that the only way he could continue to have hope after this meeting, Clyde decides, that he needs to give others hope. Thus, he decides to train Gill to become a tamer.

And yet, as all this happens, another adventure awaits with the arrival of a woman named Ginevra Farrow. The question is, will Clyde be able to survive yet another encounter with the Untamed, considering the fact that Ginevra appears to be a magnet for trouble?

We'll just have to wait and find out in... The Untamed: The Oracle Occurrence

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