The First Impression

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Ariella POV

I seriously didn't want to go along with her but I had to because I've to know with what kind of people does she hang out with. To be honest, I was a little angry now. After being away for 3 years from my sister I just wanted to spend some time with her but her boyfriend had to butt in.

Never mind. I'll deal with him. After all he has to pass my test. After following Areum and her boyfriend for two minutes we reached there. There were six men in casuals. Not gonna lie they all were handsome.

After greeting Areum warmly they asked her to introduce myself.

"Kang Ariella. Nice to meet you." Although I said that it was nice, but it definitely wasn't nice because they had an intimidating aura. But am I any less?

"Hello, I'm Kim Seokjin."
"I'm Jung Hoseok."
"Min Yoongi."
"I'm Kim Namjoon."
"I'm Jeon Jungkook."
"I'm Kim Taehyung,Areum' s boyfriend."

After all of them,there was only one person left. We all stared at him. He was staring at me so intensely. He was sitting there majestically as if he owned the place.

"Jimin. Park Jimin."

At last he introduced himself but still he was staring at me intensely with his dark gaze. I diverted my gaze from him and sat down beside Areum.

Since it was a round table,we all were rounded. At my left was Areum and at my right was Jungkook. Beside Areum was Taehyung,then Namjoon,then Yoongi. And beside Jungkook was Hoseok,then Seokjin. At the centre was that Jimin guy. He was sitting there facing me.

"I'm gonna go get some shots for myself." I said attempting to get up from there but Taehyung stopped me.

"You don't have to go Ari. I'm gonna call the waiter. Order whatever you want."

"First of all,it's Ariella Mr. Kim. I don't think we're that close that you can call me by my nickname, right? Only my close ones can call me Ari."

He visibly gulped and seemed embarassed. But what's true is true. We're not that close or something that he can call me Ari already.

Taehyung: Sure. I'll keep that in mind, Ariella.

Ariella: I'd appreciate it.

After I had confronted Taehyung regarding the nickname, the atmosphere had become somewhat awkward. To remove that, Hoseok started initiating a conversation.

Hoseok: So Ms.Kang? If you don't mind can I ask you something?

Ariella: Sure.

Hoseok: What job do you do?

Ariella: I'm a Neurosurgeon and Cardiologist.

Now this information pricked everyone's interest.

Seokjin: Neurosurgeon and Cardiologist altogether!?

I just nodded my head.

Jungkook: Are you saying that you're THAT Dr.Kang!?

Now everyone felt confused because of Jungkook's this statement except for one.

Taehyung: What do you mean by That Dr. Kang , Jungkook?

Namjoon: Oh c'mon. Now don't tell me that you don't know her.

All the boys were staring at Namjoon for the explanation.

Namjoon: She's the only Doctor in whole of Asia who is a Neurologist and a Cardiologist at the same time and also at a young age.

Jungkook: How old are you?

Immediately he received a smack at the back of his head for asking that question.

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