Another Coincidence or Planned

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Ariella POV

From the morning,there was some sort of commotion happening around the hospital. Some sort of big shot company had decided to establish a hospital and it bought Seoul City Hospital's 51 percent shares. So that it could see how the hospital works and also take some advice from the surgeons and doctors of this hospital. The Vice Chairman of that company had come to this hospital to meet with the surgeons and doctors,along with the surgeon head, who is unfortunately me. I'd been announced the head surgeon a few days ago for my capabilities. Many were salty for this decision because of a newbie being a head surgeon but not they who worked years in here. But did I care? No.

I mean does it make any sense!? I thought being annoyed. Why does that company had to buy this hospital shares and that chairman had to meet me? A frown could be seen on my face all along. Just as I was about to enter into the Director's Office, I took a deep breath to calm myself down and knocked.

A faint "Come in" could be heard. I entered inside and saw almost all the surgeons were present here and a man sitting cross legged on the swivel chair of the director's. His back facing us.

"As you all know, the Vice Chairman of the Park Empire has bought 51 percent of the shares,so from now on he's gonna be the CEO of this hospital too. But he can't run this hospital due to his busy schedule,so your previous CEO would run this hospital as he used to. Mr.Park's gonna be needing some help regarding some things for his new hospital. But he decided not to disturb you all during your work. So I decided that Dr.Kang would be helping him."

Mr.Park,Park Empire? Why does it sound familiar?

"Dr.Kang you'd be helping him, right?"

"Of course." I said nodding my head.

"Great. Everyone else can go. Dr.Kang you stay here. Mr.Park has something to discuss with you."

Everyone else went away. Only me, that man and Director were here. Just as I was about to speak, the swivel chair turned around revealing someone I didn't want to see. At that moment I forgot everything and yelled.

"You!? What the hell are you doing here!?"

"Surprise babygirl."

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Park Jimin!?"

"What am I doing?" He maintained an innocent face and asked me back.

"Don't you know what you're doing by buying the shares of this hospital?"

"I was serious about buying a hospital shares. My legal team thought this hospital would be better so I bought it. It's just another coincidence that you also work here."

"Another coincidence or planned?"

I didn't fail to notice a faint smirk on his face at my statement.


Jimin POV

I was seated in my meeting room and having a meeting with the board members, legal team and CEO of this company to know about the progress of this company. How many projects the company has been working on,how are they going. Turns out everything was going smoothly and we were at the top as always.

"So these are the progress of the ongoing projects." The production team head,Minho said while pointing at the screen where the chart was displayed.

"I was thinking of establishing a charity hospital with all the facilities. It would be free of cost for the helpless. As you all know, that I've been meaning to establish a hospital I think it's the perfect time for it."

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