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"ok great yeah. hey i gotta go now lunch is over, but meet me at the high school theater room at 8. it's the championship game so the doors will be unlocked."
"see you then!"

mike swiftly hung up the phone and ran back to class.
as I hung up the phone from talking to mike, i got excited. it was crazy how he remembered me after all this time? oh wow, he's probably so grown up by now. it has been wayyy too long since i've gotten the chance to nerd out, living a blonded life in college was boring.

the sororities and parties weren't my thing, but judging by my appearance, you would think otherwise.
i threw on a pair of jean shorts and letterman jacket and left started my journey to paradise on earth... hawkins high.

upon entering the school, i searched for the theater room. come to think of it, i had never actually been in this room, it was nice.

in the middle of the room i spotted a group of guys talking. the door shut behind me and they all turned my way.

"hey uh, sorry blondie, the cheerleaders are supposed to meet in the gym" he said laughing while looking at his friends.

"she's with us" i turned around and spotted a familiar face, mike and dustin! god they grew up so quick.

the guy i was assumed was eddie went quiet, looked at his friends, and burst out laughing.

"you expect me to believe you brought her to hellfire, funny one wheeler"
"yeah? you said find a substitute for lucas"
"preferably one who actually knows how to play? not some girl who looks like she randomly wondered in from the game."

"excuse me?" i said, taking slight offense to his comments.
"ahh she speaks." he said while turning to face me,
"look eddie..." so this was eddie munson, wow he looks a lot different, "the whole reason me and dustin are here is because of her, she taught us how to play" mike said while turning to face me and dustin.

"fine. so, are you gonna stand there or introduce yourself?" eddie spat, giving me a clearly annoyed glance.
"i'm lauren, lauren west"

"no way...."

the lovers • eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now