10 little kittens

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Some ware in the world 10 little kittens were born. Two little girls went to adopted two of the little kittens. They were named Pickles and Joey.

They were happy in their new home. Joey always liked fresh food in his food bowl, therefore there was always fresh food in his food bowl. Pickles on the other hand thought that she was a human.

Joey got to go out side first, and Pickles did not, so she loves to be inside and Joey loves to be outside. And on their birthdays they would get cat cakes.

They were little they lived in the drawer and the two little girls rooms and when they got older they could go around the room and then when they got older they could go all around the house and they would go on to under the couch and they would tri to get them out.

And then the mom had a baby and pickles was so mad it because she thought that she was the mom's baby so that didn't turn out so well but she's doing okay now.

This is a true story and the kittens are 5 years old.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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