14 (Arizona)

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        The office was buzzing when word got out that Forbes magazine wanted to do a follow up piece after David Moore was named one of the seven richest investors in the world. They wanted to do a piece on his protege and one of the most successful businessmen under 30. 

Matthew Porter was brilliant and very good at what he did, even at a young age, which is obviously why he's well known.

They wanted to do the article, but he was very much against it. I was standing in his office while he sat on the phone arguing with someone about how much he didn't care about these people and what they wanted to write about. "Pictures?! I'm especially not posing for any photos. Absolutely not" he snapped on some poor soul. 

I just fidgeted with my fingers and watched since he didn't dismiss me from leaving the room for whatever reason.

        "Oh I will, don't worry, I will. I'll call David right now" he said before hanging up. When he looked at me I gave him a sheepish smile. "Find out if David's in his office" he ordered. I nodded and went to step out of the room, but he snapped that I wasn't allowed to leave yet. 

Instead I picked up his desk phone and called up to 25, David's secretary.

        "Hey, it's Arizona. Oh I'm good, thank you. How are you? Oh good!" I greeted her until Porter turned in his chair and gave me the glare that told me to hurry up. "Uh, I was calling to know if Mr.Moore's in his office" I got to the point. 

"Mhm, well it's for Mr.Porter...he needs to speak with him. Urgently," I added at the end when I felt Porter's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. 

I was standing right by him since I was forced to use his phone instead of mine. "Excellent. I'll let him know," I said before hanging up, "He's up there." 

That's all Porter needed to hear before standing up.

        "Um, am I expected to follow you?" I asked tentatively. "No, go do your work" his tone was still snappy. I bowed my head and went back to my desk. As soon as Porter was gone people started coming up to me, Amber included. "So?" she asked. 

"So?" I questioned. 

"Is he going to do it? Will Forbes be coming here?" she asked in excitement. "If it's up to him then no. He doesn't wanna do it" I told the small crowd. They booed and I shrugged.

        When the desk phone rang Amber picked it up as second nature. I started chatting with someone, but stopped when she called my name. I glanced back and was unsure what her expression read. "Um...Mr.Moore has requested you come to his office" she said, voice inquiring like I knew why the hell he'd be calling me. 

"Wha-me?!" I exclaimed. She could only offer me a shrug, so I took a breath and walked through the crowd of my colleagues to call for the elevator. This would be my first time going up.

        When the doors opened to his floor there weren't many people there. A few glass offices, but like Porter's office there was a set of thick doors, which I knew would be Moore's office. A woman sat at a desk that was in the middle of a pretty wide clearing of space. 

She looked sharp in her clothing, with sleek hair. Her lipstick was smooth and she didn't smile. This wasn't the assistant I'd been on the phone with. 

"Mr.Moore has requested you go in" she waved to the door I'd have to walk through. I nodded and walked to the door, hesitating to enter. I should knock first.

        When I was told to come in I tentatively pushed the door open, peeking inside before even stepping in. David Moore's office was immaculate. Thick wooden book shelf lining the wall instead of filing cabinets. There was even a space for sitting aside from his own desk which matched the aesthetic of thick wood. 

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