*Chapter 11*

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Sam and Hank stepped into the tent, closely followed by captain Beesley, who then closed the zipper behind them. A quick glance around provided them with no clues as to what had happened here, the area was clean, with no signs of struggle around. The victim appeared to be wearing what looked like a pair of male sneakers but the rest of the body was covered up, as the captain said.

Sam knelt down beside the body and lifted up the silver foil blanket that had been laid over the body just enough to see the head and confirmed that this was a male victim, possibly in his forties or maybe fifties. He was lying flat out on his back in a straight line with his arms down by his side. Sam pulled the blanket further down, revealing a bright red mark around his neck. He was fully clothed, although the t-shirt he was wearing had been cut from the neck down to the navel, exposing the bare chest underneath.

And then Sam saw it, just below the chest, an incision had been made into which a pool ball had been inserted with the number eight clearly visible, and was pointing away from the victim. Hank grimaced as he caught sight of it too; both never seeing anything quite like that. Sam finally removed the blanket placing it on the floor next to the body so they could examine it more closely.

"Gruesome stuff, huh?" The captain commented.

"Sure is," Both detectives agreed.

"There are some real sickos about," Sam said. They remained with the body for a while, discussing it between the three of them while both Sam and Hank both took several photos before finally giving the ok to allow the coroner and the forensics department access to the tent.

The captain introduced the detectives to the local coroner and then headed back to the station while Sam and Hank stayed at the scene. "I know you said you've searched the perimeter but we want to have a look around ourselves," Sam told him. There was some truth to this but they both wanted to meet and get to know the coroner personally and were very keen to pick up on any first impressions regarding the victim or the crime itself.

They wandered around for the next thirty minutes and had a good look at everything, including the outside of the building. They didn't find anything, although, in all honesty, they weren't really expecting to it had satisfied any curiosity they may have, held plus it also left the immediate area clear to allow the coroner to do her job. Sam popped his head back into the tent just as the body was being strapped to the gurney.

"Oh looks like we timed that well, just about done huh?" he asked.

"Just about, a couple of things to tie up but pretty much done," she told him with a smile.

"Nice one, any thoughts so far?"

"Well, the ligature marks around the neck would certainly indicate strangulation," she explained pointing them out as she went on. "However, we'll know for sure in a couple of days," she continued before repositioning herself, pointing out the incision where the eight ball had been inserted. "There is a distinct lack of blood around the cut on the chest so that would suggest that was made after his death."

"I see," Sam told her. "And what about the time of death, any clues there yet?"

"I would suggest that this man has been dead for around two to three days," she told him.

Sam closed his eyes in horror; two to three days? That would have put the time of death around about the time they were attempting to follow Anthony Drummond. Was that the reason for his no-show? Was he here arranging this little horror scene?

Hank let out a long sigh upon hearing the answer. 'If we had gotten some backup on this case, we would have probably trailed that bastard earlier, and this may well have been stopped,' he thought to himself. The guys thanked the coroner for her help and headed back to the car. Sam paused briefly, glancing back towards the warehouse.

"Well, I guess the first thing to do is to find out who owns that place, who rented or used it last, and how long it's been empty for," Sam suggested.

Hank shook his head as he opened the door, "Just what we need right now, more damn research."

Sam groaned and rested his head on the steering wheel. "No kidding," he replied, before starting the engine.

"We got to get some help on this," Hank continued as the car pulled away. "This is getting ridiculous."

"Yeah, I was just thinking the same," Sam agreed. "There was something you mentioned the other day when we were at lunch," Sam started but trailed off.

"Go on," Hank queried, not remembering what his partner was referring to.

"Missing Barry?" Sam said raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, right, yeah," Hank nodded. "Why you don't think...," Hank started, looking at his partner who shrugged their line of thinking on the same path now.

"It's got to be worth asking the question," Sam suggested.

"Hm interesting," Hank pondered. "I can't lie, he would be a great help right now. And would speed the investigation up no end."

"But?" Sam asked sensing Hank's reservations on the matter.

"Well," Hank continued. "We've only been here a couple of weeks ourselves. And we've got a tail on Drummond starting on Monday."

"Yeah, I see what you mean." Sam tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Maybe wait a little before we ask for more help. Especially if you're still planning for a weekend off?"

Hank's face turned a pale color at that suggestion. "Oh shit," he cursed, "I hadn't thought of that, talk about bad timing."

Sam started to laugh as his partner began to panic. "I'm sure it will be fine buddy," Sam reassured him. "But all the same, I don't think it would go down too well asking the captain to send Barry over because we've got too much work and then leaving early tomorrow for the weekend."

Hank closed his eyes and screwed his face up. "No, you're absolutely right, that would not look good at all. Definitely, something to keep in mind though."

"Yeah, for sure," Sam agreed. "Who knows, maybe something will turn up next week when Drummond is being followed? If not, we'll give it another week or so, wait for the background checks, and the paperwork to pile up to such a degree that the investigation grinds to a halt, then we'll ask the question."

"Sounds like a plan," Hank smiled.

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