*Chapter 14*

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"Wow, that went quick," Hank said, leaning back in his chair. Sam looked up to see his partner with raised eyebrows nodding in the direction of the clock. Sam glanced over as well, noticing the time but not what Hank was meaning.

"Okay, and?" Sam asked.

"About time we started heading off to the wholesalers, I reckon," Hank answered, causing Sam to smile.

"Oh, yes, you're right and yes, that did go quick," Sam replied with a slight chuckle. "I could do with a bit of fresh air anyway." They both shared a smile as they turned the computers off. Sam had a little stretch before reaching for his jacket. "Well I managed to find Mrs. Drummond's work routine and, well, wherever she was, she most certainly wasn't working." Neither of the two added to that comment. They didn't really need to, the knowing glint in the eyes and the same facial expression suggested they were both thinking the same thing.

"Haven't quite finished yet but nothing unexpected in the coroner's report either," Hank added before gulping down the remaining contents of his coffee cup. Knowing they had no intentions of returning until Monday morning the guys picked up everything they needed and left the office; the first stop was the electrical wholesalers.

The name over the door had caused some confusion on arrival as it read 'Rogers Electrical Wholesalers.' Hank was absolutely positive that Diabridge Enterprises wwas just the owners of the old unit and that they had rented the place out to them, although Sam was unconvinced believing that the wholesalers had also used the name Diabridge. They had a quick look around before introducing themselves and asking for the accounts department.

"Oh, I think you're in luck," the assistant told them. "They normally leave early on a Friday but I think they're still in." The assistant then led them to a separate unit filled with offices and knocked on the window of one of them. "Detectives Johnson and Harvey to see you said they were expecting a phone call from you this morning." A young woman with a rather pale sheepish look opened the door, full of apologies.

"I'm so sorry it completely slipped my mind," she explained.

"No worries, we're here now," Hank reassured her.

"Please come in and have a seat; I'm Tamara," she said, waving at the chairs in front of her desk. "The cleaning contracts, wasn't it?" she asked as Sam and Hank pulled up two chairs and sat down.

"That's right yes, and the historical records I believe they were referred to," Sam replied.

"No problem, I have them all here," she smiled, picking up a folder from her desk. "We're currently using Chaffinch at the moment, although they have only recently started with us. Previously we had been using Crimbles cleaners, and prior to that," she explained slowly, turning through the file, she paused as she read over it. "Here we go, Apex Cleaning Ltd."

"Apex?" Sam asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I think we're negotiating with them now actually for the new place."

"What new place?" Sam asked although both Sam and Hank frowned at this.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, we are looking to expand," the young woman explained. "That was why we left the old place. You see, we were just starting out when we took that place on and we pretty much stayed there rent-free, although in return Diabridge Enterprises retained ownership of forty- five percent of the business. We've grown a little since then and Mr. Rogers has purchased the rest of the company from them and moved us here. He has also acquired a second unit in the city which they are currently setting up. I believe Apex is going to be taking on the cleaning contract for that."

"Ok that's great, thank you for your help," Sam told her, rising from his seat with Hank following suit.

"That explains the confusion over the name then," Hank said, unlocking the car door.

"Yeah," Sam responded thoughtfully. "It also suggests that Apex would have been aware that the old place had become vacant!"

"Wow, good point" Hank looked on in astonishment, his mind clearly elsewhere.

"Airport then?" Sam asked as he turned the ignition on causing a very wide smile to appear on Hank's face.

They arrived at the airport about thirty minutes before Beverly's flight was due to land. They made their way through the arrivals lounge towards a small cafe to wait when Sam stopped in his tracks and peered over his left shoulder. "Sorry I thought I...," Sam paused before looking over his shoulder once more. "Ok wait here, I'll be back in a bit," Sam told him before taking off in the direction he was looking. Hank ordered himself a coffee and found a table where he could sit and wait for not only his wife but now also his partner who had mysteriously dashed off in somewhat of a hurry.

Hank and Beverly were embracing each other when Sam returned. "Sorry about that I thought I....well I did see."

"Hello, Sam, lovely to see you again," Beverly greeted him, noticing he was struggling with his words.

"Oh yes sorry Beverly, great to see you," he said giving her a hug. Hank laughed as he picked up the bags.

"Don't worry you can explain on the way back to the car," Hank told him, leading the trio out. The three of them exited the airport and headed back towards where the car had been parked. "So, where did you run off to?" Hank asked as Beverly looked around taking in all of her new surroundings.

"Oh yes sorry, I thought I saw one of the hotel shareholders arriving back from a flight so I went to check," Sam explained.

"But, it wasn't him?" Hank asked.

"Oh, it certainly was him yes, that's what took me so long. I followed him to see where he went."

"And?" Hank was becoming more and more curious now.

"And you'll never guess who was here to greet him and pick him up."

"No, not Drummond?" Hank stared wide-eyed, not sure even he could believe that.

"Not quite," Sam smiled, "but close, very close in fact it was his wife."

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