◇~Chapter 8~◇

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The final dance of the night was about to commence and Luca was the one to bring it on.

"Tonight has been one of the best nights during my reign, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Now to finish off the night we're going to have a slow dance and I greatly encourage everyone to join in on it." He smiled over the crowd and everyone soon disperses to find their date.

Nicolas hasn't left my side, and I haven't left him as we met and talked with many of the guests, so it was easy for us to prep for the final dance.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" He asks with a bowed head and extended palm.

"You may," I smile and set the glass in my hand down before taking his.

He led us to the middle of the square where Luca and Rain were already dancing and we soon transition into the dance right alongside them.

"So, what do we do now?" I question just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Well, first we move and adapt to our new place, then from there we'll be teaching you the responsibilities and roles of the Queen of France." He smiled at me.

"Queen of France... wow it feels too good to be true," I release a breathy laugh as tears start to well.

"Hey now, none of that, it's nighttime and we don't want it to rain on our parade." He chuckles at his cleverness.

"Hmm... how original." I tease with a raised brow.

"You must admit it was pretty funny." He grinned.

"It was. I'll give you that." I rolled my eyes, "So, how do you think the deities will have us practice and develop after we're finished here?" I ask a bit louder than intended and I notice Luca in the corner of my eye stumble a bit. "Oh, are you okay, Luca?" I ask.

"Uh..." He pauses, "Yeah, I'm fine." He said curtly.

"Okay, but yeah... How do you expect they'll have us develop? I mean the people here have helped contribute to my current development." I return to an octave that only Nicolas could hear.

"Love, they may have helped your power to start showing, but they haven't helped with your development because of the fact what they say distracts you from learning control over your ability. What they say causes an outburst that could cause more harm than good." He answered, "Us moving away from the majority of this, other than what we're now responsible for, will help you and me develop more control. Like you'll be able to summon a storm when it's needed, I'll be able to build my power so I don't need to borrow yours as much. I promise this will be a good step for both of us."

"I hope so." I respond just as the song ends and we do a formal dismissal of ourselves from the dance to our partners, "How are we getting to our new house?" I question.

"We can teleport." He smiles.

"How? We still have a bunch of stuff to grab from the house here." I whine as he places a hand on my back, guiding us back to the house.

"Marilyn... she informed me that once we have everything she'd be willing to teleport us there." He answered.

"But then how are we going to teleport out of the house to get to the castle?" I ask.

"Our new house, believe it or not, is just under the mountain the castle is on. We can put it in an elevator or something so we can go from one place to the other. Now, will you please stop worrying about it? We have a memorable night ahead of us." He gives me a sweet smile, but a hint of devious energy seeps through his tone.

"Right..." I say giving him a questioning look.

"Just trust me, will you?" He stopped us from walking so he could look at me properly.

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