◇~Chapter 12~◇

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As morning came 'round I woke up at 7:30, half expecting Nicolas to be in bed next to me after the argument he and I had last night; but I was horrendously mistaken which worried me, to say the least. I got off the bed wrapped myself in a robe and shuffled out to the living room, he wasn't there either.

"Where the fuck is he?" I ask myself trying to suppress the immense sadness I felt. I proceeded to shuffle around the house hoping to see or hear something that would tell me he was at least still around. That's when I heard the water running in the bathroom, "Maybe he is still here." I felt a sense of happiness fill me up as I walked to the door and knocked, "Nicolas?" I question. "I'm coming in."

I slid the door open to a makeshift sauna; the mirror was steamed up and the steam was heavily evident in the light, "Nicolas?"The water shut off and a tatted arm that was definitely not Nicolas' revealed itself as a towel was grabbed.

"Nicolas left two hours ago." Nathair's now all too familiar voice echoed.

"Nathair?! What the hell are you doing here?!" I quickly turn around to avoid seeing anything I wasn't supposed to.

"I needed a shower, and I don't have running water while I'm in your psyche." He chuckles, "You can look, kitten, I don't mind."

The tease in his tone caused me to blush a little bit but I remained hyperfocused on a corner of the wall that now suddenly seemed highly intriguing.

"You may not mind, but I do. Why the hell are you in my house? Aren't there bathhouses down in the square?" I frantically question.

"Mmm... there are, but your shower is so much better."

"Ugh..." I roll my eyes before attempting to escape the bathroom only to be brought back in with a tight embrace, "Let me go," I say as calmly as possible as I fought to escape his arms and ultimately the bathroom.

"And if I don't want to?" He whispered in my neck as his lips touched my skin, sending a wave of shivers through my body, "Your little robe is just begging to be taken off." He pulled me tighter before biting my neck ever so gently but enough to make the area sensitive to any form of touch and I tried to use my head to rid my body of his assault.

"Let me go, Nathair." I felt my voice rising a bit as I started getting defensive.

"You love it." He laughs before spinning me around and setting me on the counter, centering himself between my legs and meeting my eyes in the process.

His silver eyes held a burning desire that made me feel exposed so I started bringing my arms up to cover my chest. His eyes flicked to the action and he took a few steps back, not taking his eyes off me.

"Got a little carried away, my apologies." He apologized as I slowly slid off the counter before quickly leaving the tense atmosphere and rushing to my room locking the door behind me as I slid down to the floor to try and calm my racing heart.

While I sat there, Nathair manifested himself on the edge of the bed.

"You can't get rid of me that easy." He laughed nervously.

"Leave... please." I look at him with pleading eyes and his face fell.

"Are you scared of me, Amaya?" He questions.

I remained silent.

"Ah... I take that as a yes..." He frowns.

"...no, I'm not scared of you. Not always at least, but when you do stuff like that it does scare me a bit. That was equivalent to sexual assault, the same with the last few spontaneous visits other than last night. Last night when we were just talking, I loved that." I stood from the floor and went to sit next to him.

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