22♡; panic! in the bedroom

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third personjuly 5th, 2022

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third person
july 5th, 2022

lola yawned quietly and gently rubbed her left eye, before picking up her pink highlighter and highlighting a sentence on the page she was reading.

lola always loved studying. well, she didn't love studying, she just liked the benefits that came with it. when she was younger, she swore she was allergic to educational procrastination. everytime she tried to take a break from studying or homework, she'd feel physically sick out of guilt.

she constantly overworks herself. her mom says it's a good trait to have, and she verbally agrees just to prevent arguments, but in her brain she knows how unhealthy she can get. she's only ever had panic attacks because of school; whether it be because of her grade slipping to a 'B' or accidently not having enough time to go over her flashcards.

but, regardless of her mentally and physical exhaustion, here she was, studying for the 5th time today.

her final exam was tomorrow. her final exam. that's it, after that, she's completely done for the year. she gets a whole 66 days off. no studying, no waking up early, no flashcard related mental breakdowns, no nothing. she just needs to get a 95% or higher on her exam, and she'll be able to sleep peacefully at night.

lola had been in study-mode for approximately 5 days; which meant going over her work everyday. she had barely gotten any sleep- maybe 60 minutes each day, but that's it. and, it wasn't intentional sleep either. she had just accidently fallen asleep on her book.

as you most likely guessed, she hasn't seen, or talked to, vinnie much these past 5 days either. of course she missed him, she would do anything to be in his arms right now. but, she mentally couldn't allow herself to do that. she tried her best to text him every couple of hours or so, but that's it. no calls, no meeting up in person. she had to focus.

vinnie tried his best to be understanding. he didn't blow up her phone with calls, and tried his best not to text her more than once, but he had quite frankly had enough. so, he decided tonight was the night he was going to break her "study-mode rules".

he picked up her favorite meal...from McDonald's. and also got her a mini cake from walmart, along with some cookie dough that he planned on baking with her.

he didn't want to overwhelm her even more with some fancy dinner, especially since he knew she would most likely be under-dressed. he just wanted to surprise her with a simply night in, he would've called before hand but he knew that she would refuse his coming over, so he decided that it had to be a little surprise.

vinnie also knew that it was the night before the exam, meaning she was probably trying to study harder. he wasn't an expert on mental health, and he definitely wasn't an expert on taking tests, but he figured that if she was stressed she was probably less likely to do as well on the test. so, why not help lift a little weight off her shoulders?

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