Chp. 1 | First Encounter

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*beep beep*

The sound of the alarm rang as it woke the albino up. He grumbled tiredly in his bed, shuffling around before sitting up. His white and fluffy hair was a mess into his bed hair, his eyes had eyebags under them from being up late at night because of...well...things.

It was still snowing outside, well that's expected since it's still winter. (just pretend okay? this is just an imaginary story) Mafumafu got out of his bed and went to get ready for school, he walked into his bathroom and did his short morning routine. After that, Mafu went to change into his school uniform. He then grabbed his school bag and walked out of his room, and as he did, it was messy outside of his room.

Mafumafu sighed as he looked down at the ground that were full of clothes, trash, and cans of alcohol. He pursed his lips and went to the living room where he was sure that was where his mom was sleeping. Of course he was right, she was there, laying on the couch with a can of alcohol in her left while the TV controller was in his right.

The TV was still on though, he sighed and went to turn it off and clean the mess on the coffee table before getting a spare key for their apartment and getting out to get to school.

At the same time in the morning, a raven-haired boy woke up from an exhausting night. He had an argument with his dad again, and to him, it felt like an everyday routine.

What were they arguing about you ask? Well...that was another afternoon where Soraru's dad would always blame him for shit that he didn't even do. Soraru groaned and went to get ready for school, he did his morning routine, put on his uniform, grabbed his stuff and headed out of the house without eating anything or even saying a word to his dad who was already awake in the dining room.



Mafumafu turned around and smiled when he saw his friend, Amatsuki. "Hey~" Mafumafu greeted his friend as he walked up towards him. Amatsuki sighed, "Couldn't go to sleep again?" Amatsuki asked as he noticed that Mafumafu's eyebags were getting darker and worse each day, and the fact that Mafumafu's voice has been sounding very gloomy and lower than before.

The albino chuckled and nodded, " neighbor was being loud again," He lied. Amatsuki pouted, "When are you gonna tell the manager about it?" Amatsuki questioned, "Ehh? No need to! I don't want to make problems anyways," Mafumafu said.
Amatsuki grumbled, "You're too nice to everyone!" Amatsuki complained, "Eh? Why you say that?" Mafumafu questioned, "Well~ You always regret saying mean things to people and apologize, you can't even hurt a fly, you're TOO nice to ghosts, and many more!" The burnette haired boy counted.

Mafumafu pouted, "Ghosts are fun to talk to and aren't scary!" He complained, Amatsuki just rolled his eyes, "Whatever~" ... "Oii!" ... "Okay! Okay! Geez, they're not scary!" Mafumafu giggled, "Good! Good!"

"Anone!" Mafu spoke out as he stepped in front of his friend and started walking backwards with both of his hand interwined together behind his back, "Hm?" Amatsuki hummed in response, "Wanna hangout afterschool?" Mafumafu asked, Amatsuki smiled, but it was an apologetic smile, "Sorry Mafu-chan...I can't. I have to take care of my younger cousins today," Amatsuki explained.

The albino pouted, "Aw...well, that's okay then!" He said that cheerfully, but inside he was really sad, he didn't want to go straight back home afterschool, that's not what he usually does, but..he guess that's his only choice now.

As he was still walking backwards, he bumped into someone.

"Mafumafu!" Amatsuki yelled, Mafumafu yelped in surprise as he and the person behind him fell. "Ahh..." Mafumafu hissed in slight pain, he groaned, "Sorry- eh?" Mafu felt like he was sitting on top of something...or...someone.

He looked down and saw bright, blue, piercing, tired eyes glaring straight up at him. Mafumafu panicked, "Ack! I'm so sorry!" Mafumafu quickly apologized as he got off of the male and took his hand out to help the other up, only to get his hand smacked away.

The raven-haired boy 'tsked' and looked at Mafumafu in full anger, "Watch where you're going next time, female face boy," Soraru pointed at him face before turning on his heels and walked away.

Amatsuki who was just standing there clenched his hands into a fist ball, he ran towards Mafumafu, "You okay?" He softly asked, Mafumafu hummed in response, but he wasn't paying any attention to what Amatsuki was saying, he just kept staring right at the raven-haired boy's back...walking away...


"Ama-chan," The albino called for his friend, Amatsuki hummed in response, "Who was that guy in the morning?" He asked.

It was lunch time, and the raven-haired boy has been on Mafu's mind ever since they bumped into each other. Amatsuki looked at Mafumafu, "The one you bumped into?" Mafumafu nodded as Amatsuki sighed, looking up at the ceiling after drinking his banana milk.

"That was Soraru, our senpai. I think he's in his 2nd or 3rd year if I'm correct, and I guess he's supposed to be like the 'cool senpai of all time' in this school just because of his cold looks and how he's cold to others and how he doesn't really speak much," Amatsuki explained, when he looked back down at Mafu, the other had a weird face.

Amatsuki just shrugged though, "I don't know though...that's all that I've heard about him," The brunette said, "Ha..." The albino sighed as he nodded, sounding very uninterested.
"Oi! Were you even listening to what I was saying about him!?" Amatsuki yelled in annoyance, "Eh? No no no! I was listening!" Mafu quickly said. Amatsuki sighed, "Good. 'Cause if you tell me to repeat whatever I just said you're-"

"But can you repeat whatever you said about him that he was named or something," Mafumafu asked, "-dead..." Amatsuki finished off. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" He yelled, "W-What?" Mafumafu stuttered, Amatsuki groaned before sitting back down and repeating, "He was supposed to be the 'cool senpai of all time' in this school."

The albino hummed as if he doesn't have anymore soul in him left.

"OI! Are you even listening to me!?!?" He yelled.

"I am! Just...tired..." Mafu yawned when he said the last word. Amatsuki sighed before leaning on his desk, "Then do to sleep after eating your lunch, we still have time anyways, I'll wake you up when class is starting."

Mafumafu just hummed, his hold on his half eaten sandwhich slowly losing grip as he almost dropped his sandwhich, but luckily Amatsuki caught it.

He sighed and stared at his friend, "Baka..."

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