Chp. 3 | Hideout

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Soraru opened the door of his hideout that he recently made a couple of weeks ago when he ran away from home. The raven-haired boy walked inside and picked up some garbage up from the floor, "Sorry if it's not much here, I just recently started working on this a couple of weeks ago."

Mafumafu followed the male inside of the hideout and looked around, "'s okay," Mafumafu responded as he continued to look around. Soraru smiled a bit went to another room.
"Uhm, do I take off my shoes?" The albino asked, Soraru popped his head out of the room, "You don't have to," He responded.

The albino nodded and decided to just take off his shoe instead.

He followed Soraru to the other room. When he was stood in front of the doorway, he saw Soraru cleaning the room. "How'd you find this hideout?" Mafu asked, Soraru looked back at him before turning around and continued to clean.
"I just walked around and saw this little abandoned cabin, so it made me think of a hideout," Soraru explained, picking up the trash from the floor and throwing them in the trash. Mafumafu just nodded and looked around the room. Soraru sighed and looked at him, "Want anything?" He asked.

"Eh? Me?" Mafu asked, pointing at himself.

Soraru nodded, Mafumafu pursed his lips and looked around again as he thought, "Uhm..." he hummed, "Maybe a drink would be nice."

"Are you okay with tea?" The raven-haired male asked, Mafumafu hummed in response. Soraru looked at Mafu who was sitting in the living room, his school jacket off of him, school tie loose, his white blouse unbuttoned two times, his white and fluffy hair up into a disheveled mess, his long lashes covering his eyes as he looked down at his hands.
Soraru shook his head, "Stop looking at him, idiot." Soraru blushed as he walked to the cabins to get the tea bags.

Mafumafu scratched the skin on the side of his two thumbs repeatedly as he zoned out into his headspace. His eyes almost out of light as if he was dead, he waited for Soraru to be done with the tea. He didn't notice that he was zoning out for a long time when he heard the high-pinched whistle of the kettle.
The albino blinked his eyes three times and then looked up to see the raven-haired boy walking over to him with two cups of tea in his two hands. Soraru placed a white cup down in front of Mafu and then sat beside him. Mafu looked back down at his hands.

"What were you doing?" He asked, blowing onto his tea to cool it out.

"H-Huh?" Mafu stammered as he looked back up to Soraru from his hand. Soraru looked at him and then down at Mafumafu's hands. He noticed that both of his thumbs were bleeding, and his skin were ripped.

Soraru sighed, "Stay here," he said before getting up to get a first aid kit and coming back to sit next to the albino.

"Gimme your hands," Soraru said, putting his hand out for the other's hand. Mafumafu put his hand on top of Soraru's hand. The raven-haired boy opened the aid kit and started to treat his thumbs.

"You know this is a bad thing to do, right? You could damage your fingers and even get it infected," Soraru grumbled, putting a band aid around both of his thumbs. Mafu just stared at Soraru treating his thumbs and hummed in response, he looked up at Soraru.

The raven-haired male sighed once he was done, closing the aid kit.

"Thank you."

Soraru looked up at him who was already looking back at him. He gulped, "Y-Yeah..." He chuckled. Mafu furrowed his brows, "No..." Soraru looked at him confused.
"You don't get you?" Mafumafu asked, Soraru got even more confused, "Uh...what do you mean by that?" He asked.

"I meant 'thank you'," Mafumafu said, Soraru chuckled confused, "I know." "No, you don't," Mafu argued, Soraru just looked at him confused, staying quiet.

Mafumafu took a deep breath in before saying....

"Thank you."
When Mafumafu said that again, Soraru swore he saw a glint of shine in his eyes, he swore he saw Mafumafu shining right then and there in front of him. And when Soraru heard him say thank you again.... he finally knew the meaning behind it.

Soraru smiled, happily humming in response.
"Maybe...I thought wrong of him..." Soraru thought.

"Thank you for hearing me out. For being the one to find me at the park crying, for being the one to help me find a hideout for me to stay in, for treating my two thumbs when I scratched too hard that they bled, for grumbling/scolding me that it was bad for me to scratch my skin on the sides of my nails. Thank you, again and again."

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