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Here's some info for everything up till "Then Where Is Home" (Meaning Then Where Is Home information is not included) that helps understand things a bit better. Spoilers up till that point. 

Wilbur, Techno and Tommy were all adopted by Phil. Phil lost Kristin right before they got married, so Phil has been a single dad this whole time. 

Ranboo was adopted by Tubbo's family. Before Ranboo, Tubbo lost his twin sister. 

Liam and Tommy lived together way before Phil, and Liam later lived with Phil, Wilbur and Techno. He then moved out and lived with Tubbo and Ranboo. A year after he moved out is when they decided to start fostering again, so that's when Tommy comes into the picture. 

Karl is dating Sapnap and Quackity. They all live together. 

Dream and George are dating but both still live at home. Dream has a younger sister Drista. 

Fundy and Schlatt lived together. They often took care of Yogurt, Fundy's little sister. After Schlatt passed Yogurt went fully mute. 

Eret and Niki live together but it's purely platonic. 

Skeppy and Bad are dating. They live together. 

Puffy was Tommy's case worker and then became his godmother. 

MD was Liam's caseworker. Foolish is another case worker with his dog XD. 


Phil: He/Him

Tommy: He/Him

Wilbur: He/They

Techno: He/Him

Tubbo: He/They

Ranboo: He/They

Niki: She/They

Eret: He/She/They

Karl: He/She/They

Quackity: He/Him

Sapnap: He/Him

Dream: He/Him

George: He/They

Drista: She/Her

Fundy: He/Him

Schlatt: He/Him

Yogurt: She/Her

Skeppy: He/They

Bad: He/They

Puffy: She/Her

MD: He/Him

Foolish: He/Him

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