Chapter 1

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"Good morning ma-ma" I said cautiously as I made my way towards the couch across from her

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"Good morning ma-ma" I said cautiously as I made my way towards the couch across from her. Without making eye contact I sat upright, keeping my hands on my lap on top of my book- One of the ones Theo gave me.

Why good morning dearest, she said with her usual smile, but as she looked up from her tea and made eye contact with me, her smile vanished, appearing concerned. I hadn't noticed how tense I was, but I suddenly noticed how close my shoulders were to my body. I took a deep breath and pressed my back towards the coach cushion.

Ma-ma, do you recall when you said, I shouldn't keep things from you.

Why yes, is there something you're wanting to discuss.

"Something regarding what lady Whistle down wrote of you"- I heard her say under her breath

Um, Precisely, um, well you see, mama, when I was trying to unmask Ladywhistledown, I noticed its pamflet stamping was the same as the printing shop just outside of Mayfair. And I went.

I looked up from my book to catch her expression, but immediately looked away.

My mother's facial expression was blank as I continued with my story,

And... I met someone. His name is Theo Sharpe. He works at the shop.

"I see" I heard my mother say as she got up, sitting beside me on the same couch, maintaining eye contact with me, which I wasn't able to return.

Eloise, do you like this boy?

I grimaced at the sound of her words, but before responding I stood up.

Yes...mama, before I stopped talking to Pen, he was the only one who would listen to what I had to say, he became someone whom I could confide in, someone who I could talk about books with.

I looked over to the window at I continued-

But ma-ma, I feel like I need to talk to him, we haven't been on speaking terms and I haven't visited the shop in months.

She looked away when I finally maintained eye contact with her,

Well Eloise, I've always told you, and your brothers and sisters, that love is the most important thing. And you care for this boy, which is something I really never thought I would see from you anytime soon. This society is a bit ...nonsense, and I do wish to meet this boy, um Theo, someday.

I smiled at the thought of Theo attending one of the balls hosted by the palace. Finally someone to uplift my spirits. But I finally broke the silence.

Mama I don't know if that would be possible

And why not dearest

Well... because Theo and I aren't on speaking terms, and it's all my fault.

Well...what happened Eloise?

Her question lingered for a while, the truth was I hadn't had the courage to go back to the print shop again- after what happened.

Um... Well- I fumbled with my gloved fingers- after he tried to kiss me, and I backed away and said we shouldn't see each other anymore, that it was a mistake. I only said that because of Penn, she had told me not to associate myself with Theo anymore, to stop seeing him, but I shouldn't have listened to her. Mama... I'm in love with Theo. I think I have been all along.

I heard my mother clear her throat and take a sip of her tea.

After a few seconds of silence, my mother finally spoke.

Eloise it seems this boy does care for you, and you care for him too. You two have something special it seems.

We looked into eachothers eyes for a few seconds- And then my mother finally spoke.

I'll allow you permission to go to this printshop, you should talk to him Eloise.

I looked up from my book, and for the first time in months, I finally had something to look forward to. Him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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