Chapter 16

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After we had seen the talk between Yamato and his boss, we snuck out of the warehouse. We now knew a little bit about him, but did we know enough to impersonate him? I wasn't sure about that one. The five of us made our way back into the heart town to discuss what we would do next. 

"I'm kind of at a loss for words," I said to Tara.

She frowned, "How come?"

"Well I know Zora is evil because he still wants to kill me, but I don't think he deserves to die at the hand of his ally," I said.

Tara let out a sigh, "But we don't even know if this Yamato guy is going to kill him for real or just dismiss him from their team."

I nodded, "You do have a point. Why don't we just tail Zora and see what this Yamato guy does."


Tara tracked down Zora again. This time he was at a local tavern, which was good news for us. Perhaps we could still go through with our previous plan. We entered the tavern as quietly as possible, and Zora didn't even look up as we entered. I told Liz and Patty to turn into weapons so there wouldn't be as many of us. They nodded and changed into their weapon forms. 

Tara told Abby to do the same. She agreed, taking the shape of a small hammer. Tara pocked her, like I had done with Liz and Patty and the two of us sat down at a table near Zora. Zora was currently sitting at the bar by himself drinking what looked like whiskey.

Tara and I sat there for a good ten minutes, before anything happened. The door of the tavern was suddenly opened and Yamato entered. I gulped and glanced at Tara. She nodded and we both agreed to see how this would play out. 

Yamato greeted Zora and sat down next to him. "Hello my friend," Zora said.

I saw Yamato look visibly nervous. I could tell this would be a hard mission for him to fulfill. "Hi Zora. There's something I need to talk to you about," he said.

Zora frowned, "Alright what is it?"

"Here's the thing. The boss wants to dismiss you from Yellow Lunar. I'm sorry old friend, I'm just following orders," Yamato said sadly.

Zora let out a deep sigh. "I had a feeling this would happen," he said.

"You did?" Yamato asked.

Zora nodded, "I did and I'm not mad at you. I hope we can still be friends."

"Of course we can still be friends," he said nodding.

Zora grinned, "Thanks."

Zora began hacking then. His body began to spasm and his eyes grew wide. He clutched at the table, coughing and spitting. 

"What's wrong with him?" I questioned.

Tara shrugged, "I have no idea."

Yamato's eyes widened and he cursed, "DAMMIT! Don't tell me the boss put a potion in your drink to make you mortal!"

"What?" I exclaimed. Had we been beaten to the punch?

"My body does feel weaker, I should have known not to trust a drink that was on the house," 

Zora said continuing to cough.

Yamato began to cry, "The boss was just playing me wasn't he? He never planned on letting you live. I'm so sorry friend."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a hooded figure rush up to Zora. Before Zora knew what was going on, his throat had been slit. He cried out and Yamato began to scream. "NOOOOOO!!!" 

Zora fell to the ground, his body thudding as it hit the ground. 

It looked like one enemy was out of the way, but something told me I still wasn't off the hook. If Zora was just a lackey, then that bounty was still on my head. I let out a sigh. "Come on Tara we need to get out of here," I said.

She nodded and got up. We left the tavern, a heavy feeling in our hearts. 

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