Chapter 3

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Death the Kid’s POV

Author's Note: Hello guys and gals!  Lately I've been getting a lot of homework, but I will still update this story.  So today in one of my communications classes, I told a white lie.  My teacher said to tell the truth or a lie to our group members.  I wanted to see if I could still tell a lie and others would believe it.  Well guess what? I still got it! My group members totally believed my lie.  They said they couldn't believe I had been lying, because I sounded so convincing.  Oh yeah!  Haha, anyway on to the story! :-)

The next evening I approached Tara’s house, with Liz and Patty.  I rang the doorbell and waited.  Tara bounded out of the door the next second with her weapon, Abby, looking as chipper and pretty as usual.  Wait a second.  Did I just call her pretty?  I shook my head to clear my thoughts; I couldn’t be falling for Tara.  I needed to fulfill my destiny and become a great grim reaper like my dad.  Girls definitely weren’t going to help me accomplish this.  Still I couldn’t help notice how when she smiled it made my heart race.  

“Ready Kid?”  Tara said, messing with a lock of her long brown and blonde hair. 

I nodded and we started walking into town. 

“So how are we supposed to get these ingredients?” 

I looked at her and said, “I heard a rumor that Agatha, the witch lives in the old manor on Death Toll street.” 

 Tara nodded and we walked in that direction, with me leading. 

 The air was a lot chillier when we approached Agatha the witch’s manor.  I gulped and noticed how the wind rattled the tree boughs.  I took a step forward, my breath curling out of my mouth.  I wrapped my arms around my body and took another hesitant step.  Tara joined me, shuddering as the wind got stronger and colder.  Nearing the door to the manor I took one step on the wooden porch and watched as what I hoped was the wind ripped the door open.  Tara whimpered but we entered the manor.

 Liz let out a shuddered breath and said, “Oh no!! Don’t tell me there are ghosts here too!”

  I sighed, “Liz, what can ghosts do to us?  They’re dead.” 

 Liz nodded but I could tell she still wasn’t convinced. 

 The manor looked eerie.  I stopped in mid step as I heard a piano.  The sound was mournful and lamenting sounding.  I barely suppressed a shudder.  For Death’s sake I was the son of a grim reaper!  I needed to start acting like one.  This Fraidy Cat act was going to get us nowhere fast.  Tara let out a gasp and held on tightly to my arm.  I felt a spark then but I wasn’t sure what it meant though.  I felt her shaking.  I turned to her then and said, “Tara, we need to get the witch’s soul.  I know you’re scared but we need to push onward.”  Tara nodded somberly and we walked ahead, her still clutching onto me.  As we made our way upward I heard the piano more and more clearly.  I knew it was close.  But did that mean the witch was close as well?  I wasn’t certain, but I kept climbing the stairs with Tara, Liz, Patty and Abby.  We came to a decision then.  There were two paths to take, left or right.  Tara glanced fearfully around.  I heard the sharp sound of the piano to the left.  That was it, we needed to go there.

“Looks like we’re going left,” I said.

Tara nodded slowly and we turned left.   When we got to a door I was going to push it open when it tore itself open.  I gulped and Liz started hyperventilating.  I took a step forward and as soon as we got in the room, the door flung itself closed behind us.  I heard a loud cackle and searched the room.  There were candles everywhere and a woman was at a white piano. 

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