Chapter 22

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Sorry, I've been sick lately and kinda fuzzy on what I should write. Sorry for the delay!! Also, I have a surprise for the story, just scroll down AFTER reading this upper part, please.

It was another normal afternoon, but oh, not this time. It might be the most memorable afternoon that Ink will ever have- for sure. Ink suited up in his tux and walked out of his room, meeting Error on the couch being casual. Error looked up at Ink with a grin and a chuckle. "What's with the fanciness Ink?" He asked. "Oh, I want you to take you somewhere new. Common! Go dress up." Ink pulled Error from the couch and pushed him to his room. "Ok ok, I'll go change." Error rolled his eyelids as he walks into his room while Ink waited for him outside. 

Ink crossed his arms, texting on his phone with his other hand. "I'm coming right now." He texted. He then close his phone as he heard a click of the door. Error came out with a brand new shirt with a black vest that has flower patterns on it. "You ready for this?" Ink asked nervously. Error nodded with excitement. They got ready for the car but Ink handed out his hand and motioned for the car keys. He was the one driving to the location. "So uh, where are we going then?" Error asked curiously. "You'll see."Is all Ink just said as they drive to the destination.

They got out of the car as soon as Ink stopped the car. He pushed Error inside of his abandoned hall of the abandoned building. It looks old but still fancy as always. "Go stand in the middle Error." Ink smiled brightly as he motions Error to the middle. Error was confused but played along. "What's this about?" Error laughed while his back was facing Ink.

"This is-" Error heard a click that is too familiar... He turned around to see Ink pointing a gun at him with several other men there including his boss. "Ink?" Error's smile left his face, a concerned face replaced instead. "I'm sorry, but this has to be done no matter what cost-" he tighten the gun he had in his hand. "You don't have to do this Ink- please." Error said while slowly walking to Ink. "STOP RIGHT THERE ERROR." Ink shouted to stop Error's tracks. Error paused in fear, "I thought you loved me-" Error was heartbroken by that point.

"Funny how you thought I loved, hell even 'liked' you in the first place." Ink chuckled. He aimed the gun point at Error's soul. "Finish him." His boss grumbled. Ink took a deep breath and fired the bullet into Error's chest- and with a 'bang', It sent Error falling back to his back and bleeding on the ground. Ink watch in disgust and walked out of the building with the other men and got into the boss's car to be driven to the office.

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