Chapter 1 ~

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Gabriella POV: I was walking down the Corridor to meet up with my best friends Taylor and Sharpay, as I saw them standing by our lockers, they saw me walking up to them, they were whispering to each other while I stopped at my locker, they looked at me like they were going to burst.

Gabriella: *Looks at them* Are you two, okay?

Sharpay: Did you hear that the Gym teacher as in coach Murphy as retired?

Taylor: And a new teacher who is taking his place is a hot and I mean H-O-T.

Gabriella: Well, at least the girls will love Gym now especially with a fresh meat in the building how old is he?

Sharpay: We were trying to guess how old, but we are thinking 22 or 28.

Gabriella: 28?? God he is older than us all.

Taylor: Hey, older guys are more mature then the guys in our school.

Gabriella: Well, you two are dating someone so you can't have him.

Taylor: Well, actually... no... no.

Sharpay: What, Taylor?

Taylor: Okay, but you can't tell anyone.

S/G: Well, duh.

Taylor: I've been seeing a teacher who is transferring here for our English classes, and he's bests friends with the new gym coach.

Sharpay: What?? How long have you been hiding that?

Taylor: We've been dating for 4 weeks; I just didn't want to tell anyone where I am going against the law.

Sharpay: Your telling us, you know he could get arrested right where your underage for starters.

Gabriella: Sharpay, you can't help who you fall for, you should know how that feels when your with Zeke.

Sharpay: Yeah, but he is a classmate not a teacher, Gabriella.

Taylor: Shh. *Puts her fingers on her lips*

Gabriella: Well, we better get to homeroom where we late.

They walked to homeroom where Sharpay saw her boyfriend Zeke, and Gabriella went to her seat and Sharpay sat in front of her brother Ryan while Taylor sat behind Zeke.

Ms Darbus: Well, since you three girls came in late you will do laps with the new gym coach at lunch I will meet you there, also the new Gym teacher is Troy Bolton and he is 25 years old so I don't want any funny business between Students and this teacher and we have a new English Teacher called Chad Danforth he is 26 years old again no student and teacher relationships otherwise there will be consequences.

Gabriella looked at Taylor and Sharpay as they knew Taylor was dating the new English teacher which now, she had to be careful, because if the school found out they will be in trouble.

Bell Rings ~
Ms Darbus: And that is class over, Sharpay, Taylor and Gabriella follow me for your laps for being late, and the rest of you I will see you all tomorrow.

They left and Ms Darbus took the three girls to the gym where all the boys were finishing off their practice as the new teacher said dismiss, he turned towards Ms Darbus and saw the three girls behind her.

Ms Darbus: Mr. Bolton, I have three girls here who will be doing Laps as they were late for my class.

Mr. Bolton: *Looks at the girls* Well, the gym is yours Ms Darbus.

Ms. Darbus: Thank you, sir, now what are you girls looking at get going so we can get out of this smelly Gym.

The girls started to run around the gym while Ms. Darbus was talking to the new teacher, the English teacher walked into the gym making Taylor fall into Gabriella making them fall on the floor.

Ms. Darbus: Ah, what's going on over there?

Sharpay: Nothing, Taylor fell that's all.

Ms. Darbus: Right, well you can go now.

They left as Taylor put her head down so Chad didn't see her, they went to the cafeteria as they got a drink from running.

Sharpay: You were so lucky that Ms.Darius didn't notice you looking at him.

Gabriella: Although, you heard what Ms. Darbus said if you have teacher and Student relationship there will be consequences you know that.

Taylor: We just have to be careful that's all, but we better get to maths otherwise we'll be doing more laps.

They went to Maths as it was the last period, as the bell rang they went home and Gabriella arrived home and saw her mom cooking dinner.

Gabriella: *Puts her bag down* Hey mom.

Lisa: *Stirs the pan* Hey, honey how was school?

Gabriella: *Opens the fridge* It was good, we have two new teachers starting a new gym teacher and new English teacher.

Lisa: Oh, but you don't take Gym do you?

Gabriella: *Pours some juice into a glass* Funny story well Sharpay and Taylor's we were talking and we were late for home room so Ms. Darbus made us do laps in the gym that's how we met him, he's 25 years old.

Lisa: Well, you are sixteen Gabriella so don't get any ideas I don't want you dating a 25 year old or teacher for that matter it's illegal and your underage.

Gabriella: Mom, I'm not going to date a teacher please I have no interest in dating anyone, besides I don't really have time for a boyfriend as my life is always one step ahead I might never get a boyfriend.

Lisa: *Moves her hair out of her face* Awe, honey I'm sorry that we are always moving but I promise we will be staying until you reach college so you could have time for a boyfriend and friends but just be careful that's all.

Gabriella: Thanks mom, anyway for dinner I'm starving.

Lisa: I making your favourite dish *Something in Spanish*

Gabriella: You spoil me mom.

Lisa: Well, that's what mom's do, so why don't you go up and get changed while I cook the food and then do your homework after dinner.

Gabriella: Okay, see you in a minute.

She went upstairs after grabbing her bag and her drink of juice and got changed while her food was still cooking she was looking at her homework for a bit just to see what she had to, then her dinner was ready she walked downstairs and sat at the table.

After she ate she did her homework but she wasn't long going to sleep as she had school again in the morning.

Thank you for reading

Falling in love with the Gym teacher *A Troyella story*Where stories live. Discover now