Chapter 2 ~

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Troy POV: I woke up to a new day yesterday was my first day as the gym teacher I used to teach in Santa Monica high school along with my best friend who used to be the English teacher there but now we are teaching at East high what a change, as I turned my alarm off I turned to my side and saw my girlfriend Scarlett slowly waking up, I put my arm around her and kissed her head as we were both just resting.

Troy: *Holding her in his arms* Morning, baby.

Scarlett: Morning, my love, well it's your second day today are you enjoying it so far?

Troy: It's too early to say ask me on Friday then I'll answer, but how are you at your new job is it what you thought it was?

Scarlett: Troy, I'm a lawyer at the business firm that is way too expensive for me but if I'm doing what I love and being with the love of my life then it'll get easier.

Troy: Of course, baby, remember it's a fresh start for both of us, have you spoken to your parents since we've moved?

Scarlett: I'll ring my mom later where I was tired yesterday.

Troy: Hmm, right well I better get ready for school where I must get my boys ready for a game Friday. *Stands up*

Scarlett: *Holds the blanket over her* How is Chad doing?

Troy: *Leans down on his hands to her* I don't know he was being weird yesterday where he got all nervous and jittery.

Scarlett: *Strokes his hands on the bed* Well it is a new job for him he's just nervous of the job where he did have a reputation in Santa Monica high school remember he was accused of having sex with a student.

Troy: I don't know what if he's doing it again? I can't lose my job again because of him I love what I do.

Scarlett: Do you really think he would jeopardise a great job he has with his best friend?

Troy: Well, you know what he's like he gets selfish doesn't he. *Kisses her hand*

Ned came in running into his brother as he had a bad dream.

Troy: *Hugs his brother* Hey, Ned what's up bro?

Ned: *Shaking* I don't want you to leave me, Troy, don't ever leave me.

Troy: *Rubs his back* Leave you? Why am I going to leave you?

Scarlett: Awe, Ned you're shaking.

Troy: *Puts him on the bed*Here hug Scarlett, *Sits in front of him* Look we aren't going to leave you, bro, I know I haven't been a great brother lately with Mom and dad dying and me losing my job with my best friend but I promise you are not going to be left behind, every decision I make you are always going to be with me.

Ned: Do you promise?

Troy: I promise, you are always going to come first in my life along with my girlfriend. I love you two, okay?

N/S: We love you too.

They hugged until Troy got up and had a shower before getting dressed as his gym clothes were in his gym bag, when he came out, he saw Ned and Scarlett asleep on the bed, he got changed and kissed both of their heads and made his way to school.

Chad: Well, Troy Bolton where have you been?

Troy: Sorry, Ned had a nightmare, so I had to be a big brother to him, why what's going on?

Chad: They are doing announcements in the cafeteria let's go.

Troy: Oh, okay but wait *Stops him walking* I need to ask you something and I want you to give me an honest answer.

Falling in love with the Gym teacher *A Troyella story*Where stories live. Discover now