สิบสาม (13)

399 27 11

What the fuck was that?

My dad called me just right when we were about to talk. So here I am now, waiting in his office while my mind was completely elsewhere.

I don't even know why he called. It wasn't even him that called me but his damn secretary, for goodness sake. I really want to decline but she was like,

"Mr Traipipattanapong accept no refusal and he expects you to be here ASAP,"

And I was like "Fuck, fine, I'll be there in a bit,"

But once I arrived, he was nowhere in sight so the secretary told me to wait. Bitch, please, I could have at least ¼ of my talk with my Khun Phi if I wasn't stuck here now.

I seriously can't comprehend what just happened to my body, like the reason it was so hot and needy out of the blue. Am I secretly an omega in heat or something? Werewolves aren't even real, for fuck sake, what the hell am I even on about?

But judging from the way Mew talked about it and how serious he sounded, I feel like he knew –or at least got an idea- of the reason behind it.

Abrupt flashes of my dream about him suddenly flaunt in my mind and I can't help but blush a deep shade of red. Fuck, why now?

But now that I think about it, ever since he actually interacts (re: play) with me, that dream never exists anymore. I haven't got any of those sorts of dreams in about a week now, which was rare because I usually have them every two days if not every damn day.

I don't know whether I should be grateful or question this further but that's not what important now. I need to know why my dad called me and what the fuck my talk with P'Mew gonna be about, because despite saying I know that we need to talk, I actually have zero clue on what the hell are we supposed to talk about.

I was sucking angrily on my cherry cola bae when the door to the office was suddenly pushed open by none other than my father.

"Gulf, my son!"

"Dad!" He instantly embraced me as soon as I stood up, patting my back gently and swinging our body side to side like I'm a baby.

"I haven't seen you in months now. Why did you never pay us a visit?" Dad whined out childishly.

"I w-"

"And don't say anything about Uni because I know it wasn't that," He said as he pulled away from the embrace and dragged me towards the couch.

"Alright, fine, you read my mind. But it was true though, I kind of was busy with uni AND other stuff sooo..."

"Your mum has been nagging me nonstop to have you for at least a dinner or tea or whatever it is that you're doing with her." He rolled his eyes in faux annoyance and I can't help but giggle at this old man.

"I'll be there this weekend, yeah?"

"Keep your word, young man. You don't want me to use the bodyguards to drag you, do you?"

"Like you'll ever let someone put a single harm on me," I said, rolling my eyes sassily which made this old man laugh like crazy.

"You know me too well,"

"So, ssup with the sudden call? Surely, it won't be merely to tell me mum has been nagging you 24/7,"

"Right, business first or personal first, son?"

"Oh, please, not this again," I gave him the knowing look, but he held his gaze.

"Your choice,"

"Fine, what do I have to do with the business? Just because I'm taking Business Administration doesn't mean I wanna take over this whole empire, you do know that, right?"

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