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The next time you had the courtesy of seeing the kind stranger... was the very next day.

At the same place and at the same time, you saw him laying on the edge of the river bank.

You had just left the nearby convenience store after buying yourself a [favorite flavor] ice cream when you spotted him laying there. Contemplating what to do, you stared at the big guy, then at his newer injuries that surely weren't present yesterday, and then finally you directed your attention to your ice cream.

As much as you wanted nothing more to eat it, you knew you'd have to wait. Rushing back inside the store, you grabbed another ice cream, a chocolate one, and brought it to the check out counter.

With stubby hands, you pulled out some money and payed for the newer ice cream, grabbed the change and rushed out, two ice creams in hand.

When you walked out, you saw him still laying there. Letting out a sigh of relief, you walked over and stood near him, just like last time.

A few feet away from him.

Yet again, his ears caught the sound of leaves crunching under your brightly colored boots. Turning his head, he was a bit surprised to see you, the same little kid from yesterday, holding two ice creams.

With a toothy grin, you greeted him, "Hey Mister Dragon! How ya' doin'?" You giggled at his facial expressions that showed annoyance at your new nickname for him.

"What do you want, kid?" His tone was flat, like always but you paid it no mind and shoved the ice cream in front of his dead fish-like eyes.

"Here!! For you!" You exclaimed and he stared at it like you were holding a bomb, "Uh, nah... Thanks for the offer though, kid..." He smiled, more like smirked slightly.

"Well, if you don't eat it, then who will? I already have my own!! I can't eat two, I'll get sick!!" You stated, eyes wide in worry at the potential waste of ice cream.

He scrunched up his face, thinking about what to say before begrudgingly taking it from you, "Alright, but don't buy me ice cream again. I'm older than you, it's supposed to be my job..." He trailed off before licking his ice cream.

You grinned brightly before taking a seat beside him, "That means you'll buy me ice cream?!" You questioned in an excited manner and he shot you a small smile, "I mean, I gotta pay you back, right? I might as well get you one, since you like em' so much..."

You cheerily nodded and began to lick your own ice cream, humming happily at the sweet taste, "It's good, right?" He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, not wanting to admit that he enjoyed the cold treat, "Yeah, I guess..."

"Do you have any friends, mister dragon?" He scowled at your nickname, "First of all, don't call me that. Second, of course I do! I ain't some creepy, lameass loner!" He huffed and took a bigger lick from his ice cream.

"Do you have a sister?" You excitedly asked, wanting to know if you could meet her if he did. To your dismay, he shook his head, "Nope, I'm an only child." He stated and you pouted slightly.

"Aww, that's a bummer..." With nothing else to saw, you licked your ice cream some more. He glanced at you from the side before taking a deep breath, "What about you? You got any siblings?"

Your pout became more evident at his words, "No... I don't even have a big brother or sister..." You drawed out, sadness noticable in your tone.

He laughed slightly, "Guess you must really want a sibling, huh?" You nodded fervently at his words, looking at him with your wide, doe eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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