Chapter 20

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Chae's Pov
I feel someone is wishpering me as I open my eyes and see jimin whispering me to wake up. I sit on the car.
Jimin=" we are here" he says and carrys me to the bedroom's washroom and keeps me on the sink.
he takes my ankle.
Chae=" here ouch!" I say as he takes the medicine and applies it to My ankle as I hold his shirt tightly.
Jimin=" done..." he smiles
Chae=" t- thankyou" I smile
Jimin=" chae?"
Chae=" hmmm.... "
Jimin=" Wanna be my girlfriend?"
Jimin=" I know it may sound stupid but you... you are different chae from all the other girls you have a kind heart which makes me love you  crazily. you're touches make me go insane and I know I even promise myself I will not fall for a girl. until I met to you change me into a person I never thought I will ever be that same jimin who laughs , smile and being a brat who is in love like crazy."
Jimin=" soo....what do you say?"

Chae's Pov
I am speechless by his words which makes me confused a feeling which I had those days when I am inlove but...
WHAT.... if he leaves me.... what if he cheats on me....... questions were roaming in my mind . Where my mind is saying me to say no and my hear is saying me to say yes

WHAT....... shall...... I do........

Chae=" j-jimin I am sorry but I am-"
Jimin=" I know I am a d***head  but I will never leave you I never CHEAT on you plz give me a chance....?"
Chae=" jimin I.....i..."
Jimin= chuckles " I know it's ok ..."

He is about to leave that's when I backhug him......

Chae=" I love youuuu... jimin"

~To be continued~

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