Chapter 3

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The next week seemed to drag on, but Eliza was happy to have Steve. He's been such a great help with school and showing her around town.

I'm the morning, Steve rushes over to Eliza and leans against the lockers beside her. "So there's a party tomorrow....wanna go with me? We can find some matching costumes tonight."

"Yeah that's be fun....I'll have to ask my dad though." She smiles.

"Meet me at my car after school." Steve smirks, leaving her to grab her stuff alone.

Eliza walks outside to the payphone and calls her father. "Hey a new friend of mine was wondering if I could come over to her house today and tomorrow to work on homework."

"Eliza you know what I said..."

She sighs. "I know. But it's just homework and I can't fail.....I'm already behind since we started school late. And my future depends-"

He cuts her off by sighing, "Fine. Your not grounded. Home by nine can spend the night with your friend tomorrow if you want. Would be nice to have a date night with Susan for once."

"Thank you dad! I promise I'll be on time."

"I love you, I'm counting on you to follow the rules this time."

She hesitates for a moment, "I love you too."

Eliza turns right into Billy. "Staying the night at a friends house tomorrow?"

"Mhm." She tries to go but he blocks her.

"Your not lying to me are you?"

"No." She shakes her head.

"If I find out your really going off with a boy....I'll kill him. And then you."

Eliza's brother and father both don't want her dating, even if she's seventeen now. Her father would tell her that he wouldn't allow his baby girl to become a whore teen mom. And Billy started joining in.

Yet he can date all the girls he wanted.

After school Eliza met with Steve and went to a local clothing store. "So....what should we dress up as?" He asks as he starts to look around. "I'll definitely wear this." He holds up a sexy nun costume, making her laugh.

"That's so wrong...."

Eliza, starts shuffling through the bags of costumes, she then stop on one named 'Space Princess'. "Leia?"

"And Han." He holds up his own costume. "You like Star Wars?"

"Well duh." She playfully rolls her eyes. 

"Well it's settled." He takes the costume from her and goes to the register.

"Steve I can buy them." She tries to grab them.

"Nope." He hands the cashier fifteen dollars. And then takes the bags back to his car. "Want some food? I'm hungry." 

Eliza stays silent as the two then grab some burgers and fries, sitting out by the lake and on the hood of his car as they eat. "Steve?" She eventually looks up.

"Yeah?" He asks with a mouthful of food.

" it a date tomorrow?"

"I thought so? Unless you don't want it to be." He quickly turns towards her.

"I want it to be a date."

"Can you tell me more about you?" He smiles.

The two tell each other everything they like and like to do. Eliza had never felt like this before because of a boy. She really hoped he liked her too....but it got awkward when he asked about her family.

"What's your family like?" He asks.

"'ve already seen how Billy is. Massive douche, but I still love him. My dads an asshole....he flips out over the dumbest things." 

"And your mom?"

"Well....she left...but my dad remarried a woman named Susan. She's really nice. And she gave me a cool step sister."

"Why are they so cruel to are the sweetest girl I've ever met. I don't see how anyone could be mean to you." He pushes a strand of her hair back behind her ear.

"Billy is just overprotective....that's all." She shakes her head, looking down at her hands nervously, she was embarrassed and too scared to tell anyone about her father.

"I really like you, Eliza..."

"I like you too.....I really like you." She smiles sweetly. "You've been so kind to me...." She looks away and sighs. "I have to warn you...Billy said he'd kill any boy who dates me."

"I'll survive." Steve chuckles.

"Plus...I won't let him hurt you."

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