Surprise Field Trip

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Peter just about made it to the decathlon meeting before school as he woke up late and was rushing around this morning. He only had a meeting before school as Mr Harrington said in the meeting just before they left the decathlon meeting they needed to be in school by 8 am as he needed to tell them something.

So, here Peter was, running into the library just as the clock hit 8 am and he quickly ran over and sat in the only free chair. He nearly fell off the chair in the process but grabbed hold of the table to stop himself from falling. He ended up sitting in between Ned and MJ but he was still near Flash at least he had his best friends on either side of him. After he sat down Mr Harrington says "Nice of you to join us, Mr Parker. Now that we are all here I would like to say that we have been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go into a massive industry for a field trip. Last week I sent permission slips to go on a field trip today and they all came back saying that you can all go. So everyone grabs all of your stuff and makes your way to the school bus as the tour starts at 9 and we have to be there early to get signed in."

"Sir, where are we going?" Cindy asks Mr Harrington.

"That is a surprise. You will find out when we get there," Mr Harrington says. Everyone then grabs their stuff and makes their way to the bus.

When they all got on the bus, Ned turned to Peter and asks"Where do you think we are going?"

"I have no clue but apparently as Mr Harrington said it is a massive industry but I can't think of any that is that close to us as we have to be there in 45 minutes," Peter says.

--- 15 minutes left of the bus journey ---

'Why do I recognise this route as it looks extremely similar to the route I take to Stark Towers?' Peter thought. He just decided to put it at the back of his mind as he thought it was the way to another industry.

Just as they turned the last corner on the trip Peter realised where they were going. 'Oh shit. We're going to Stark Industries. Why didn't Tony tell me? Unless he didn't know that we were coming and Pepper organised it. If she did, then why didn't she tell me? How am I going to prove that I am an intern? I'm technically not but some of the other interns have seen me and some of them know me because they have heard about me.' 

Peter was deep in thought for the last 5 minutes and when the bus stopped everyone got off except Peter as he didn't realise that they stopped. Ned realised that Peter wasn't off the bus so he quickly got back on and went up and tapped Peter on his shoulder. It probably wasn't the best idea because just after Ned tapped Peter on his shoulder, Peter grabbed Ned and put him in a chokehold but when he realised it was only Ned he turned to him and says"I'm so so sorry. It didn't mean to do that."

"It's ok. I'm fine Peter. I should've known not to do that but I didn't think about your Peter tingle," Ned says.

"Please don't call it my Peter tingle," Peter says.

"Ok, I won't. I just wanted to come and get you as we were just about to go inside," Ned says. "Also, how are you feeling knowing that the field trip is here?"

"Thanks. Also, I feel worried that something is going to happen today and if I knew that we were going to come here then I would have stayed home as I have been on these tours and taken them as well so I know everything the tour guide is going to say already," Peter explains as they were walking off the bus.

Once they exited the bus they didn't see everyone else so they thought that they must have been inside once they walked inside the lobby of Stark Industries they saw them all by the receptionist's desk. Peter then walked over to the desk and behind the desk because when he was wandering up he saw that it was Emily behind the desk. We both loved hanging out because we would annoy the other interns by moving some of the projects or just a few of the tools. None of the rest of the class realised that he walked around the desk as the last they knew he was at the back of the line with MJ and Ned. I decided that I wanted to scare her so crept behind her and then whisper in her ear "Boo!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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