The Meeting with Ichika and Kouta

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At the KiraKira Patisserie.....

Himari/Aoi/Yukari/Akira/Ciel: WHAT?! You transformed right in front of Kouta?!

Ichika: Sorry guys, but there were some people in trouble, I couldn't just stand by and let that Inves hurt them!

Ciel: Well, she's not wrong with that.

Kouta: So basically, you guys are heroes too.

Pekorin: They're Precure! They protect the Kirakiraru energy!

Kouta: What's Kirakiraru?

Ichika: It gives the color for the dessert. But sometimes it was taken by monsters like ours and lose their color.

Aoi: And we're the only ones who can stop it!

Kouta: But why did you guys come here if your fight isn't over?

Yukari: We wanted to open up shop so that we could make some people happy.

Kouta: Oh.

Ciel: Look, if any of those Inves come back, we'll be ready.

Just then, Kouta's phone started ringing.

Kouta: (Answers his phone)

???: Kouta, there's trouble!

Kouta: What is it, Zack?

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