Chapter 1-A Late Night Stroll

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2:38am. I did a double take. Sure enough my eyes didn't deceive me. Shit, it was indeed 2:38 am. I had been studying for over 6 hours. I frantically gather my countless pages of notes off of my bed and placed them in a messy pile on my nightstand. I do a quick calculation and realize that if I fall asleep this very minute, I will only end up getting 3 hours and 22 minutes of sleep. I rip off my jeans, and throw on some sweatpants and climb into bed. I toss and turn trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Now there is only 3 hours and 18 minutes until I have to get up for school. I lay flat on my back staring straight up at the ceiling. I try to clear my head so that I can fall asleep, but my mind is racing. Tomorrow at school I have 2 final exams that I need to do well on. I need to keep my grades near perfect if I want to receive scholarships from colleges. Staring at the ceiling is only stressing me out more. I decide to take a walk outside to clear my head. I pick up my headphones from the floor, and I grab a hoodie from the towering pile of clean laundry in the corner. I've been so busy studying that I've had no time to put the clothes back in their respective places in my closet and drawers. I carefully creak open my door, and enter the hallway. I do my best to make zero noise as I creep down the stairs. The second to last step creaks. I cringe and remain frozen hoping that the noise didn't wake up my parents or siblings. After about 10 seconds I continue the path to the backdoor. I open it and slip into the night. The cool air is refreshing. I stop and breath it in for a moment before I begin my nighttime stroll. I put on my headphones and carefully select my favorite playlist. I begin walking down the sidewalk on my street. I match my steps to the beat of the song I'm listening to. I zone out and get lost in the music. Apparently I zoned out a little too much because next thing you know my face was pressed against the sidewalk. I had tripped over unevenness in the sidewalk. I began to pick myself up from the ground when a hand came out of nowhere and presented itself infant of me. "Need a hand?"

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