Chapter 2-Meeting Dylan

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I jolted away from the hand and quickly stood up.   My eyes weren't completely adjusted to the dark so I was having trouble figuring out who this person was. He must have noticed me staring at him because he began to introduce himself. "My name is Dylan...I live across the street from you." I knew who he was, his family moved in a few months ago. I also remembered that the reason he moved here in the first place was because he got expelled from his old school. I knew this kid was bad news. "Uh my name is Cecilia..and umm, I'm gonna go" I studdered as I began to walk around him. I felt his hand firmly grip my shoulder. "I think you're forgetting something" he says. His voice is deep and raspy. I turn around to look at him and he grabs my hand. Confused I look down. He had placed my headphones in my hand. They must have fallen out when I tripped. I began to tilt my head up and udder the words "thank you" but he was already walking away. I stare at the back of him as he continues walking down the sidewalk. I decide to head back home. I sneak back into my house, this time avoiding the creaky second step. I close my bedroom door behind me and take a deep breath. I climb into bed and look at the clock. 3:04am. 2 hours and 56 minutes until my alarm went off. I attempt to fall asleep, but the only thing on my mind was Dylan. I remember the feeling of his hand on my shoulder and I shiver. I hear his voice in my head. Ugh I need to stop thinking about him and go to sleep, but I just can't. Eventually I drift off until I hear BEEP BEEP BEEP. Shit my alarm.

I FellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora