Truth and Punishment (Kara Danvers/Supergirl)

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First one of the many adventures of the Scarlet Speedster.

Warning: If you are a fan of Mon-el or severely ships Supercorp, I don't recommend reading this.

You have been warned. This chapter is loooong, but don't worry the next following ones will be short. This is just to get a feel of what I'm doing since I'm a beginner, so If writing sucks, go cry against a wall. Also in this chapter I call Imra several names, but in all honesty, I love Imra and she will definitely be apart of this series, so don't take any of these things I say serious. Except the Superflash moments. Take those seriously, they're a cute couple and without a doubt, could have had a chance if Grant moved from the Flash to Supergirl or Melissa moving to Flash in vise-versa.

One more thing: I do not know how BDSM works so if this does not match at all what it's supposed to be, I'm very sorry. I'll do some research.

And for all you Superflash shippers out there in the multiverse, enjoy!

Keep in mind: Kara is wearing the season 6 suit with the red boots and pants with straight blonde hair and Barry in this chapter is a bit dark. Oh and lets pretend Mon-el became Kara's boyfriend again the end of season 6 for only the sake of this chapter. (God it hurts to write that.)
Truth and Punishment (Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-el)

At first, the light was blinding. It was like Kara's eyes was witnessing the birth of the sun all over again. It was just too bright, so she closes them, but her super hearing kicks in, and could hear the faint sound of boots touching what sounds like concrete.

The Kryptonian's body was in pure agony: her ribs were cracked, her skin had changed from normal to a pale color due to the lost of blood, her body shivered a bit due to the coldness touching her spine and reaching her legs, her arms felt like they were being hanged and the muscles were clenching to the strength of whatever it was.

But the most agonizing part about her predicament at this moment, is her own veins, that felt like they were on fire! Almost as her bones were being cut opened and being filled up with poison. That's exactly how Kryptonite felt when it's coursing through your very part of the body and that's how Kara Danvers aka Supergirl aka National City's protecter was experiencing.

She was this close to passing out again, but a familiar voice was calling her name that makes Kara want to hold on a bit longer. Despite her legs and body that felt like pure lava, Kara uses every ounce of her energy to hear the sound.




The voice sounded so familiar. Despite, the voice was low, Kara could tell that the man's tone was deep and manly and soon realized that they were whispering.

Knowing the information, Kara opens her eyes wide and takes a second to glance at her surroundings: She was in some sort of dungeon or secret base depending the walls are made of concrete and the floors were as well, but there small puddles, far in the back-Kara moving her head to look over her shoulder- she sees several desks with monitors with the screens on and on the right side of her shoulder she sees a workbench with what looks like a dog collar on the table with a big red button on the side.

'Where the Rao am I' Kara thinks to herself as she surveys more the room. She feels her legs and arms being pulled almost like retained and looking up, her blue eyes widen when she sees metal wrapped around her gloved limbs and looking down, her legs were clamped with the same concept.

"It's no use. I already tried to break out these, but for some reason it's dulling my strength," a voice grunted out.

Her eyes were still slightly trying to adjust to the beaming light that is still shining on her, but could care less. She needed to get out of whatever the hell this is.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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