Oh shit

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I'm at the hospital and I walk to the front desk "hi" I say to the lady at the desk "I'm here to see Daniel "that would be room-"
She was about to tell me the room number but I already knew so I said "room 230 I know" I start walking to room 230 I open the door and Daniel already knew who I was when I walked in " Hi Davey" My heart started to race why though why did my heart start to race that I didn't know why does my heart always race when...I...see oh shit there's no way I like it right or well no no it's impossible I shook off the feeling that it was just something stupid it was a coincidence
Time skip an hour later
"It was great talking to you Daniel"I say in a cheerful tune "David wait there's one last thing I want to ask you" Daniel said softly My heart started racing again shit I do like him this is Ahh "yeah what's up"I say a little nervous "why do you always visit me" he said and I could tell he was uncomfortable when he said it " w-why well I um I don't really know just feels right"what am I doing just say goodbye to him and leave it's not that hard but he hasn't answered to that I'll stay until he answers and then I'll leave
A couple minutes go by
"Why does it feel right David why" he said I couldn't mustered up to say something so I just said bye and left

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