Part 1 -the new student -

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-----------------------Y/N POV----------------------

I work up and rembered it was going to be my first day of a new school. I looked at the time.. 6:20 better wake up and get going. I quietly go and take my stuff out and get ready what should I wear?

I look through my closet and get out a white shirt and then over that a big hoodie. I then out on some black too bug on me jeans. But I think I looked preattt good. I can't wait till I'll see who is in my class. Maby it will not be that bad. I then look at the time 6:30 shit better brush my teeth and do my hair quicker.

When I looked at the time again it was 6:43.nit too bad I went down stairs not making any noise.. When suddenly my father woke up from the TV oh shit he has drunk more then before 5 beer bottle shit he will kill me. I decided to just take some money so I'll get some sweets for breakfast I can't go into the kitchen because mothers there and she is also drunk with my father. So I get our if the house quietly putting my nike shoes no back and white. I put on my back pack and check the time on my phone befoure I leave. 6:49 already I better get going. I think I hear my dad waking up more when I shut the door.

I went runign to the bus stop the bus should be here any second. I waited 5 min and it finaly came I decided to sit near the back so is I'll not bee seen first when people walk in so I went to the back and sat down. I put on my earphones and listen to some music befour school starts.

I look and decide to get off the bus because I was already at school I got some sotifications from Lucy and TK to meet in the cafeteria. So I teopyed and said ok.

When I got off the bus I took of my earphones and out them in my bag. I decided to hurry up so Lucy and TK don't have to wait long. I ran inside and saw they sitting on a table so I decided to join them.

Me : Hi Lucky Hi TK

TK: hi Y/N you actually made it first time not late huh?

Lucy : Hi Y/N

Me : yeah finally not late my father would kill me if I was late again.

Lucy : yeah we now your pain but in my opinion your hould run away.

Me : yeah as if I would leave my anoting ass family just to run away.
I don't think that would work anyways.

TK : yeah just watch out we don't want you getting hurt....... Again

Me : oh comeone it's not that bad

Lucy: yeah as if going to the hospital with a  nearly broken head is fine ....

Me : ok fine but come on it could be worst

They staired at me when the bell rang we went the the ball because it was sour first day and they will all give us a timetable about classes and children  in our class.

We had 4 groups luckly in some subjects I was with Lucy and some with TK but most of them were people I never new befoure.

We were going to class when I decided to stay with TK and Lucy for a second I mean it felt like a second until we realised it was too quiet.....

Shit class started kicking forgot what time it was. We all ran to our classes I had math so it was at the 3 rd floor so I had to run up a couple of steps until I got tyired. I entered the class room the teacher asked me where I was.... Fuck do I lie or what when I finally made something up. Well there was like this teacher I don't remember their name and they told mento stay.

Ok fair enough but you need a not next time. The teacher toled me to sit next a kid that had their head down she said that I should sit next to the kid with the long black hair and blue eyes.their head was in their desk sleeping so I could not really see their face. I just decided to take out my drawing books and draw some stuff. Until the kind next to me started to take to me.

??? : why are you here were there no other spaces

I looked around and did not seem to find any

I replied by saying that the teacher told me to sit next to him

??? : grate having to sit next to another nerd

Excuse me did he just call me a fucking nerd. I decided to calm down and keep on drawing. Until it was lunch.

I went to TK and Lucy they were on the same bench I asked them if they had a detention but they said no quickly and said that they made a excuse up I mean I did the same sooo.. Yeah

During lunch Lucy said that she has to go because she had to see a teacher because of some missing home work TK said that he will go with her because he has to go too so I said bye to them the second I did someone was behind me I decided to shrug off that feeling but the second I turned around the kid from earlier was there standing.

Hello??? I said no response

He toled me to put my hands out which is kind of wierd if you ask me so I did he dumped a whole bunch of homework.

There it has to be done by tomorrow if it is not then.... You know you better not even attend school.

He left...

I look at the amount he gave me.... Holy shit that's so much when was the last time he did anny. I decided to put it in my bag. The second I put my bag on TK and a Lucy came they toled me that the teacher had to go to a meeting so she let them off.

That's grate I say with a fake smile. Lucy asked what I did when they were not there I decided to tell them the truth because what could possible go wrong write it's only a couple of home works... Yeah a couple....

I toled them Lucy seemed to understand but toled me not to overwork myself again. I looked over at TK....


TK was gone

Befour I noticed he was arguing with the dark long haired boy. I slapped my face I could not believe this was happening because of some homework I ran over to TK and toled him to stop but he kept on arguing. I heard TK say his name "PETER "!!!

What his name was Peter for some reason I wanted to laugh suddenly befour I new it I started to laugh Lucy looked at me. 5 seconds later I stopped. Peter asked me if there was anything funny... I decided to say no because i did not want anny trouble on the first day of school.

Peter : good

He said punching me in my stomach.. Fuck it hurt as hell. TK came over with Lucy they said that they will take me to medical I said that I'll be fine but one second later Peter shoved them out of the way and grabed me by my collar and started to beat the shit out of me.

That just reminds me of how my father would always come home drunk when I was in primary and then he would beat me up even if I got 10/10 on every exam. Luckily I got used to it so the pain was not that harsh except from the one I'm the stomach.

The only hits that were the worst were the stomach one and lucky he did not hold my arm or I would be in so much pain. I have cuts all over my arms that why I always wear hoodies even if it's hot.

After 3 min he decided to whisper something into my ear and then he punched me so hard I blacked out the last thing I remember seeing was his face and the dark long hair he has.

----------------------Authors notes--------------

Omgggg 1,420 word are you kidding me I'm writing so much in one page 😭😭😭😭. Hope the story is good so far. 1,444

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