Part 2 - the medical room-

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------------------------Y/N POV---------------------

I woke up in the medical room. The nurse was there she was surprised I woke up I asked her what happened and she said I blacked out and had a lot of brushes on myself. I did not really recognise which ones were from my father or which ones where from Peter but they both looked the same. She asked me what happened to my stomach I decided to lie and said I fell down the stairs at my house.

She seemed to get it but I don't think Lucy or TK would I they heard that. The nurse left the room and said to me that she will see what she can do with the bruses. I sat up shit my stomach hurts so much I realised my arms had new bandages on them with meant that the nurse had to think that I fell down the stairs with that shit.

I tried to recall what happened in the cafeteria ah yes TK got in trouble again and I wanted to help him but I got in trouble for laughing at his name. What the fuck got into me that second I started laughing I never really laught befour not even at the best joke. ...... But his name made me laugh how....

I was in deep thinking when the nurse came in and shaped me out from my imagination she asked me if I can walk I stod up I decided to put on a face that would give her the expression of I'm ok and that I can walk it's easy when on the inside my stomach hurt as hell.. Who the hell taught that kid how to fight.

The nurse said I looked fine which meant the expression worked but...

Am I really ok.... Yeah what am I thinking about of course I am. I looked on my time table shit not science worst subject that can possible exist I hoped that Lucy will be there but when I walked in TK staired at me so did the whole class even Peter.

The teacher toled me to sit next to Peter again.. Shit that will be awkward.. ... I decided just to sit down and stay quiet and get on with some of the work and homework once I was done most of it I dealt sleepy I looked at the time. I don't think anything bad will happen if I take a nap for 5 min. I put my head down and befour I noticed I was asleep.

I started to have a dream but sadly not a normal one...... Another nightmare about my family I kept on having it more and more serious it was always how my father abused me and my mother toled me I never did anything except from being worthless and selfish brat...... Unlike my older sister that moved out and started to work as a fucking striper just to get the men like come on who the fuck would pick that as their job and then just move out.

I suddenly woke up it was dark but my class was still here lucky I looked at the time 15:10 I woke up just in time that's weird I never woke up on time. I usually got to over sleep....

But never mind i got my stuff in my bag and decided to walk home there was no point in taking  the bus science my dad was home and all he would do was beat me up. I started to make my way home. It was silence when suddenly the wind hit with the damn rain grate know father will kill me if I dragged any water into the house.

I decided to take my time in the rain. I new I would get a cold and all my books would be wet.....

Wait a damn minute....

I HAVE PETERS HOMEWORK IN HERE IF IT GETS WET I'LL GET BEATEN UP MORE THAT TODAY I started to run all the way home until I made it. I was completely out of breath...

I went in and prayed for father to be asleep but... Fuck.

He was not...

When he saw me come in he asked me why I'm so wet I toled him that it is raining he toled me that I should come sooner home not this late.....

I look at the time... Not that late I think to myself I look over at the table yes another 10 beers drank by that idiot.

He saw me staring and thew a beer bottle at me which hurt as fuck I screamed in pain he toled me to shut up because if you don't I'll throw another one he said opening up another beer and taking a big gulp from it. I went to my room locked the door and went into my bathroom. I decided to take a quick shower

*after the shower *

I got our of the shower and realised I had no clothes so I got our of the bathroom and went over to the wardrobe I looked at everything j decided to put on a too big shirt on me and a hoodie. I took that and puted it on in the bathroom when I got out of the bathroom the rain has topped that reminded me I have to do PETERS homework. Thanks to God it was not wet or I would of been dead twice. Suddenly blood starts dripping from my head...

Oh yeahhh my father hit me with his beer bottle I better dis infect it just incase.

I took out the first aid kit and went into the bathroom shit... There was glass above my eye I had to take it out slowly so that no glass stays in there lucky I got to do it. But know no had to dis infect it with alcohol which hurt as fuck there was so much bloody tissues after I finished I put on a eye patch that was in the kit I put it back and went out of my room. Shit I have to do peters homework but I'm hungry as fuck.

I heard my father screaming at me again to make food or to order it using my money as if they even had any.

I ordered dominos it came pretty quick I layed for it and gave a box to my dad. He looked at me and said there is no way you are going to eat the other box your holding all by yourself. He took both of them and gave me 3 slices there be grateful brat he said. I just took the food and ate the 3 slices I still felt empty....

I just decide to get ok with the homework I looked at the time 16:47 I better get it done in.... I look at the work 2 hours at last??? Maby

There was so much but I started doing it. I was listening to music and doing it the questions were not that hard after I had only 10 left I looked at the time 20:55

What the fuck I thought how did it take me so long to do that.... I looked at all the papers I did. Well next time try to do it faster I thought to myself I started to get on with the last 10.i was on the last one when I herd my dad shouting I wondered what it was this time I mean I only had one question left and it was the last sheet of paper so I decided to go and check what is happening. I peeked thought a small gap.........

Holy fuck mother and father where fighting again about dads job. He was going to have to go to a business trip soon and mom said that she will not be taking care of my ass when father leaves so she said that she will leave too.

Fuck .... Do they hate me that much... What did I ever do to them to make them this mad...

I decided to go back to my room silently I looked at the last question shit.... It was a word question I was never good at them. The I remembered that the teachers was talking about that in class befour Peter kicked my ass. I remember I wrote it down so I took my book out and copied out the whole entire thing. Hope he gets good grades for this or I'm fucked out I out then in and look at the time 00:55 ...

Wow and all I did was one question and a sneak peek of what my parents were talking about.

I decided to look if I had any homework...... Fuck I did science and Math. I decided to do the easy one first math easy as fuck.... But science.. Ughhhh.. Noooo.. M I don't understand a damn thing.

I looked at the clock 3:10 fuck I don't think I'll get any sleep again
I looked at the last question in the science book fuck it I'll leave the last one out. My father is going to beat my ass anyways.

I decided to pack everything even Peters homework. Once I'm done packing I go to put my pj's on and go to sleep I just tossed myself on my bed and befour I realised I was asleep.

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