lol scary story- its true, its when i was little

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When i was about 6 years old, me and my family moved to another house because it was too small for all of us to live in, the new house wasn't all good but it would fit all of us, we only lived on the first floor because the second floor was filled with junk like an attic but not really, One night, after me and my parents watched a horror movie we all went to sleep that night i was scared to be honest, hours later i woke up and went to the bathroom I hated going to the bathroom because it had no door *sobs-*, so privacy was a bit of a problem but.. worst of all it was also facing the stairs to the second floor, the second floor was pitch black because it had no lights at ALL I looked at the stairs while in the toilet and i swear i saw a woman i couldn't tell if they were human or not, they had very pale skin creepy smile planted on their face, very long hair was wearing a white dress, has eyes like it had never blinked before and... a very long neck... it was inhuman...No human has features like that i can tell they were also tall, i froze because i was so scared of what i had seen.. minutes later they waved at me and had smiled even more, i was so scared i did my business and ran out of the bathroom, i didn't tell my parents because they would say that i just had a nightmare because of the horror movie.

after a few years later the second floor was finally fixed, we moved upstairs and when we moved up there the lady from the top stairs disappeared probably because we moved and i was happy that they were gone..

you probably though that was the end but noo after a few months i was just going to the 3rd floor and the stairs were the type of stairs that had holes not like actual holes on the stairs i just don't know how to explain it- and then i saw.. a man probably taller than the first floor look at me they had no hair, grey disgusting skin, eyes that looked like there were no eyelids and the pupils were so small and an ear to ear smile.. i was terrified of what i just had seen it was the most scariest thing i ever saw the worst thing is that it was also night time when it happened, when i saw the man i ran as FAST as i could to the 3rd floor, i was crying so much after i saw it, this happened everynight when i was going to the stairs. But then after 2 and a half years later it just disappeared out of nowhere i was happy of course but i was also wondering why it just disappeared like that.. i just hope i don't want see it ever again..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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