Part 1

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Please, not this again.

I knew my wish didn't come true as I felt Mark's fist collide with my jaw. My vision exploded with spinning stars as the world spun in a tornado and my back crashed into the concrete sidewalk. Pain coursed through my head, as I didn't dare to move lest he hit me again.

"Aren't you going to fight back?" Mark's cruel laugh filled the silence between us. I didn't move, solidifying Marks assumption. "I guess not, looser."

Footsteps against the hard ground let me know my tormentor and his group of jerks were gone for the time being. The schoolground was empty, since most kids took the bus and the others had been picked up by now. Slowly, I struggled to my feet against the brick wall of the school. The walk home would take about an hour at least, that is if I make it that far.


Blazing sunshine caused sweat to form on my brow, stinging my eyes and the cut on my cheek. Every muscle in my body seemed to protest each step. In my state of misery, I didn't even notice a car stopping beside me and a girl getting out and running over. 

"Ashton? Oh my gosh! Are you alright?"

I know that voice. The voice belonged to Haley, a girl from the church my family attended. Her petite frame jogged over quickly. I looked up, trying not to stare like an idiot. She managed to make a large t-shirt and jeans amazingly attractive, not to mention the sun backlit her curly blond hair that cascaded over her shoulders like a movie star.

"I'm fine," I muttered.

Regardless of my answer, she remained in front of me. Her gaze landed on my bruised face and bloody arm.  Shame washed over me, knowing she saw me like the looser I am. I looked down at my shoes and away from her pretty blue eyes. No one ever saw me like this, I made sure of it.

"Are you sure you're fine?" 

The softness of her voice allured me. No, that doesn't matter. Guys like me don't get the pretty girls. Especially me.

Her small hand dug into her backpack where she produced a pack of tissues. "Here, your lip is bleeding. It will get on your shirt if you don't hurry."

Hesitantly, I took the tissue and pressed it gently against my sore lips. My shirt was far from salvageable, but the sentiment warmed my heart nonetheless. "Thank you."

"What happened?"

I contemplated what to tell her when a convertible pulled up, carrying Mark and his gang of delinquent football jerks. I groaned inwardly, preparing my bruised ego for another beating. 

"Oh, look! The nerd has a girlfriend. A hot one, too." Mark whistled at Haley. He was staring, no, more like drooling, at her. "You should do better than him. How come I've never seen your pretty little face around here before?"

Haley deadpanned at him. "It's because I'm homeschooled. Oh, and by the way," she smiled sweetly at him. "I'm not a dog." Her smiled faded into a scowl. "So don't whistle at me like one." 

She gave me a genuine smile, from what I could tell, and took my hand like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Come on, we're going to be late if we don't hurry."

I squeezed her hand back gently and pretended that we really did have somewhere to be, and I let her lead me away from Mark, who drove away angry and swerving recklessly.

"Thank you again," I said bashfully. We were still holding hands like a couple. Suddenly, she seemed to notice and let go.

"Sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind to get us out of there."

"No, it's ok, I–" I stopped before I could embarrass myself anymore. In all honesty, I hadn't minded at all.

"So, who was the jock with the tiny ego?"

I sighed. "Mark."

Haley grimaced. "So, I'm guessing he did that to you?"

I shrugged.

"Do you have a ride home?"

"No," I shook my head and tried to look as calm as possible. "My Mom was supposed to come but she won't be here for another hour at least."


I could tell that she was struggling to make a quick decision. Her blue eyes shone with compassion, and her decision was apparently made.

"Come with me." 

She took me to a running silver SUV. Whom I presumed to be her mom sat in the front seat watching us approach.

"Mom, this is Ashton from Church."

"Hello Ashton. Do you need some help?" she gazed at me kindly, reminding me of my mother with her dark hair and kind eyes.

Regardless of how nice she was or how sweet her daughter was, my pride had been wounded enough for one day. "It's ok, I'll be ok."

"Please, Ashton. It's ridiculously hot out here today," Haley pleaded. 

It was hot. Not to mention how I had secretly admired Haley from a distance at church and was hoping to talk with her soon. This was the perfect opportunity. "Are you sure it's no trouble?" 

Her Mom smiled. "I'm sure. And word to the wise, you might want to get in before my daughter drags you. She is pretty stubborn."

"Mom!" Haley said, eyed wide with embarrassment.

I laughed with her mother as I climbed into the back seat. "Thank you."

Haley climbed in the back seat beside me. "No problem. Where do you live?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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