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She looked at Alliet. "Ok, what are you gonna do to me, kidnap me? Kill me? Show me your true form!" Mal said, eyes as green as the sapphires Ben gave him just yesterday, their 100th day anniversary

Alliet laughed. 'The nerves to laugh at the daughter of Maleficent!' Mal didn't say that out loud, though.

"I'm not joking. This clock could help you." Before Mal could respond, she continued "My mother gave it to me. Said it's a special gift she got from the wonderland. I thought she was lying too," she smiled, "but then I tried it once, and I'm able to turn back time."

"You're actually serious?" Alliet nodded
"You just hold the clock and said the exact time you want to turn back."

"No bippiti boppity bo?"

"You really don't trust me, do you?"

"How am I suppose to trust you when I don't even know you?" She said. "Heck you just brought me to this strange old place!". Alliet looked at her. "I promise you I bring no harm. I felt bad and wanted to help you."

"But, why?" "Why not? We should always help each other out, right?" 'Damn it, she got a point '

"I'm trusting you, Alliet."

Mal closed her eyes, focusing on the clock that is now on her palm. 'Bring me back to 5 hours ago' she said, voice pleading. 'please...'

She waits a few seconds before opening her eyes. "It didn't work? I trusted you-" before she could continue, she was sucked into the clock. The last thing she remembered was Alliet saying how it worked before she fell into a hole of darkness.


Mal woke up with a headache. She groaned before trying her best to slowly opened her eyes.

"Where am-" she did a barfing sound before she could continue. Someone threw a damn bag to her! And it felt like it's filled with rocks. "Excuse me how rude of yo-"

"M? Finally you're awake!" Mal was too stunned to speak. 'Evie?' "you're alright," Mal said, immediately hugging her best friend. "This is weird, never knew you're the touchy type Mal" a voice interrupted them.

"Oh shush, Jay. She Probably had a nightmare!" Jay? Wait, no way that clock worked!'

"Jay!" She looked around. She just realized. "Why.. are we back at the Ilse?" She asked. It's their 'space' at the Ilse.

"She must have a really bad nightmare" Evie whispered to Jay. Mal is getting tired of these people whispering so loudly. "Mal, what is this?" He asked, showing a rock at her.

"She had a nightmare, not memory loss weirdo!" Evie slapped Jay's shoulder. "Ouch, damn sorry princess"

While the two bicker, Mal took a look around. She's back at the Ilse. This is not what she asked for! The clock freaking scammed her.

The Ilse.. looks exactly like how she and her friends left it. Children are all fighting for the daily unwanted food sent by the people from Auradon, some parents forcing people to buy their goods for money. It's all the same, suspiciously the same. She decided to test it out.

"Hey, have you guys decided yet?"

"I have. But we're waiting for Carlos" Jay said. "Yeah, and you? We are not going to Auradon without you two" Evie Said, face stern.


It was a week before they arrive to Auradon.

"I haven't decided yet" 'im totally going'

Just then, the door opened, revealing a very sweaty Carlos. "Sorry I'm late! I was doing chores. I felt bad leaving it alone"

"Aww mama boy making sure she doesn't get mad, good dog!" Carlos scrammed away from Jay. "At least I help her! Unlike you, what did you get to steal today?"

"Okay, boys enough. We got a decision to make" Mal said, shutting the two.


Its not a surprise when they eventually decide to go to Auradon. They're on their way to the limo now, 'this is it' Mal thought. 'the time got wrong, but that doesn't mean I can't fix what I did wrong,'


Tada! 🥳🥳🥳 The second chapter is here. Honestly kinda proud I manage to stretch the Ilse scene, or it'll be too short. Next update will be a little late, I'm gonna have exams for two weeks. Stay tuned though! ♥️♥️

Time Traveler: A Descendants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now