What are you doing? (roll 7)

6 1 0

Charlie's POV

I opened my eyes and was blinded by the electrifying light. I was about to get up when I heard a twig snap. My head swiveled around, but I couldn't see anything. I shrugged, it was probably just my imagination. I was about to get up when I got pushed to the ground. Whoever or whatever pushed me was really swift and quiet. I face planted into the ground, I groaned and turned around very slowly.

When I did I saw a hooded figure holding a sword at my throat. I gasped and, " What are you doing?"

The hooded figure didn't answer, but lowly hummed. I could hear another figure coming up the side of the hill, but from which side I could not tell. The hooded figure looked up at the approaching person and brought out another sword. Where did she get it from? It doesn't look like the person had holsters(?) for the swords. I watched mesmerized as the hooded figure kept the one sword trained on me while the other was trained on the other figure.

Other figures POV

I started walking up the hill so I could see where I was. After a few minutes of waling and I was closer to the top I could see a magnificent willow tree. When closer I could make-out two figures right next to the willow tree. I approached slowly, and when I got close enough I could make out a hooded figure and a boy. The hooded figure had a sword at the boys throat and pulled out another one and aimed it at me. I put my hands up in surrender, I then saw the sword lower, just a little. I kept walking closer til I could see the boys face.

Charlie's POV

The hooded figure (H.F) lowered her second sword, that was aimed at the slow approaching figure slightly. I wondered ' Whats the H.F 's problem with me'. I finally had the courage to stand up, but I pressed myself against the tree. The H.F's sword fallowed my throat all the way up. Now that I was closer to there face ( due to me standing up, our faces got closer) I could see piercing blue eyes of the person that had on the hood. I couldn't stop staring at them. Just something about them seemed so familiar, but I don't know from where? By this time the other figure was about 10 ft away from us. My eyes peeled away from the H.F in front of me to the approaching figure. The figure that was approaching had a dark blue cloak.

The second figure came to about 5 ft away when the figure gasped. They ripped off there hood of the cloak and said, " Charlie, is that you?" I realized that the figure was a girl. She looked very familiar.

That's when I realized, " Autumn, no way what are you doing all the way out here?"

" Looking for you, " she replied. Both forgetting for the moment that there was a sword at my throat.

A couple seconds later I bounced back to reality. I still had no idea why this mysterious person had a sword at my throat.

I asked, " Uh why do you want to hurt me? What have I done to you, I don't even know you, who are-"

"Stop right there. 1 I never was gone hurt you. Unless you tried to hurt me( I mumbled) 2. you do know me and 3. (the hooded figure pulled down the hood of there cloak)" the figure stated. I gasped when I saw who it was.

" Flora?" I questioned.

" No, Sally Jackson of course it's me!" She rolled her eyes.

So the story goes . . .जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें