Chapter 1: The Attack

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Chapter 1: The Attack

Sydney P.O.V
I always thought that I would be killed by a demon. Never in my life would I have thought that my friend would have stabed me in the back literly. But nevertheless I am here half dead and cursing at my life. I sence near by, I can't really tell because of all the blood loss. "Hello" I call, half hoping it was another Shadowhunter. To my surprise I here someone call back. "Who's there?" I recognize the voice to be Michael, my best friend in the world. "Michael, over here its me Sydney" I call weakly. I here the bushes shake and Michael comes out. "Oh my gosh, Sydney what happened" He said as he starts to draw some healing runes on my back.

Charlete P.O.V
I can't believe I did that. Sydney is my best friend. Dam you power, I loose control of it too often. Over the years I have gotten better control over it. What happen this time you ask? Well I'll tell you, its only that I have mood eyes. Strange right? But some time they take control of personality, and this time I was so mad that my eyes turned black and all hell broke loose. I stabbed Sydney in the back and I think I killed somebody! I wipe a tear away from my eye. Why would She do this to me, she promised that she wouldn't, or did she? Never mind that, I need to find Sydney and apolige to her.

Michael P.O.V
After I healed Sydney, I asked her what happened. "I don't know what happened" she said, though I know she is lying to me. "Are you sure" I ask again. She shakes her head. "Fine, Michael you got me. I was walking with Charlete when she, pulled out a dagger. I asked her what she was doing, and all she did was look at me with "Her" eyes. She stabbed me in the back and ran off, thats all I remember before I passed out and you found me" I thought about what could cause Charlete to be taken over by Her.
Being the oldest of the three of them. I know each and every one of their powers.

Sydney's P.O.V
Michael's runes heals my back pretty good. After that he just zoned out. "Hello" I say waving my hand in his face. "Michael are you there?" Michel blinks. "Sorry" he apologized "Elizabeth was talking to me" I groan, Elizabeth has the power to read and speak into people's minds. Elizabeth can be so annoying some times. What were you saying about. Elizabeth says
Hello Elizabeth
Hello Sydney. I heard what Charlete did to you, and I'm sorry.
What do you need to be sorry about. There was nothing you could have done.
I know that but I regret that I sent you in the woods with her.
But it was part of our mission....
I don't give a fuck what our mission. It was too dangerous to send you two. I could have sent you and Michael or I could have gone myself.
Elizabeth, it wasn't your fault.
Sydney just find Charlete and get back here.

Charlete's P.O.V
I finally make it back to the scene of the attack. Sydney is standing there, probably talking to Elizabeth. Michael is looking right at me. "Get away from us" he hisses. I take a step forward. "Make me" a retort my eyes turning red. Michael backs away, come on let me take control. You hate him, you despise him for taking your best friend. A voice whispers in my head. Go away Lilith. I don't want you here.
Oh sweety but you do. You always have, you just have resisted it. Your parents...
My parents are dead
No they are not, they are hidden. I hid them. I can help you find them if you just take control.
Lilith, stop not now I can't deal with this right now, maybe later. Ok
Ok, darling.
And then She left.

For this story I am holding a character contest. You can enter any amount of charecters, but if you win you cannot enter anymore.
The format goes like this
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Race (Shadowhunter, Vampire, Werewolf, etc)
4. Supernatural power
5. Looks
6. Family members
Thanks I look forward to reading your answers. ~Lizzie Short

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