No Pride, Just Guilt.

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Maddie POV
I walk off stage as gracefully as possible & I'm met with a Nia hug. She's always been so supportive of me, unlike the rest of these girls. I know I've nailed my solo, but somehow I feel no pride, just guilt.
I get an eye roll as I pass by Chloe, a small smile from Kenzie, a thumbs up from Kalani & the rest have blank looks. The same as their expressions while performing. Blank.
You may think what happened to the 8 girls who loved each other, well let me tell you. Producers. They are the idiots who turned Chloe & I against each other and the rest picked sides, as always.
Chloe POV
Perfect? Never. Maddie always thinks she's perfect. Well, she's not. If she was perfect, she wouldn't have verbally abused me. Well, maybe that's a little too NICE of a way to put it. Ugh, when will she get it? Ballet was MY thing.
She has to take everything away from me, my friends, my fans, being the favourite, my boy, Abby & now my happiness. Because Ballet was the only thing that made me happy. But she has to have that too. But let me tell you something Ms. Life Ruiner, karma is sweet revenge.
Abby POV
Maddie may think she was perfect out there, but I seen over 20 flaws in just her turn sequences. Something has gotten into her lately and her feet are even sickled in practice. Chloe would have nailed that solo, but she won't step up and have that confidence in herself.

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