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I was stuck there for days. Every day, my "friend" would bring me fire water. I was making a plan. I knew that I had to escape.

Then, one day while I was stuck to the wall, literally, I realized that she forgot to take my necklace.

Suddenly a plan formed in my head. That night when the demon queen left to go search for them, I called for someone.

Not just any someone though. I called for my best friend Bob the Titan.

All I had to do was say his name and he would come rescue me. "Bob, I need help." I said quietly.

I knew that he would come help me. At least he's not bad like the old days, I thought.

Then I realized my mistake. All of the sudden, that one thought pulled me into a flash back.


I was seven. I had just ran away with my step-sister Annabeth. We were both weird. Neither of us wanted. I appeared on my "moms" doorstep when I was born.

No one knows where I came from. All of the sudden we were trapped in a dark alleyway with a big dog chasing us.

Then two people we had never seen before came and saved us. It was a boy and a girl. The girl looked about 12, while the boy looked to be about 14. The girl looked kinda scary with her dark make-up and choppy black hair and brilliant blue eyes. The boy had sandy colored hair, he had bright blue eyes too.

Annabeth held her hammer up higher. "Hey there. Be careful with that hammer." The boy said. "I'm Luke and this is Thalia. We're runaways too." He continued. Annabeth and I shared a look and she dropped the hammer.

We followed them, being chased by monsters every step of the way. Then we got trapped by the cyclops.

He tried to get us to come out but we wouldn't. Eventually Annabeth and I made a plan and we rescued our friends.

Now our group was rushed. We had met a satyr named Grover. Then, when we were right outside what Grover said were the camp boarders, the monsters closed in on us.

Thalia stayed outside to try and protect us. She was dying by the time all of the monsters were defeated. So, her father Zeus took pity on her. He turned her into a tree to save her and to protect the others in camp. The next five years were pretty uneventful.

Then, when I was twelve, after still not being claimed, a new kid named Percy Jackson showed up. I helped Annabeth nurse him back to health, and when he was better he moved into the Hermes cabin with me and the others.

Then later in the week, during the capture the flag game, Percy and I both got claimed. He was claimed a son of Poseidon.

Me, I was claimed as both a daughter of Athena and a daughter of Poseidon. No one could figure it out. How had this happened? When Percy, Annabeth, and Grover all went on the quest to find the lighting bolt, I followed them. I followed them on all of their quest, until the night that we went to Westover Hall.

We went to help Grover rescue some demigods that he had found. After the events of that night, sitting around with the Hunters and my friends, all of us grieving, Bianca, one of the demigods Grover found, joined the Hunters.

I decided that I would too. So I took the oath and never looked back. When we got to camp, after capture the flag, the Oracle came down from the Attic and gave Zoë a prophecy.

Six shall go west to the goddess in chains
One shall be lost in the land without rain
The Titans curse must two withstand
And one shall perish by a parents hand

The last line is what had us all worried. Any of our parents could kill us so when they all went on the quest, Percy and I followed.

When we got to Mount Tam., Percy and I took the sky for Artemis. We had been fighting Atlas but knew that we didn't have the strength to go on. So she fought the Titan.

I let go of the sky to fight as well, then I saw Atlas take a swing at Zoë. I jumped in front of her, and we were both hit. We slammed against the rocks.

I stopped time, I had no clue  how I did it. I just knew that I wanted extra time to figure out what to to. I knew I couldn't just die, and preyed to one of my favorite gods, Hypnos. He came and we had a talk.

"Hypnos, please make them forget me. I don't want them to remember me. I know that it will cause them too much pain. Please make them forget at least until I saw otherwise. Please I'm begging you. Make everyone forget me. Except the gods." I pleaded.

"Ok. I can do as you ask. Just know that it's only because if you hadn't joined the hunters, when you became a goddess, I would have asked you on a date." He whispered.

I unfroze time and I heard Hypnos whisper the words,"You will forget. You will never remember Adrian Jackson, until she states otherwise." I felt the memories slip away until the whole world faded to black.

*Flashback ended*

I felt tears stream down my face as the memories hit. I didn't try to stop them. I knew that no matter what, no one could find out my past. I felt the world around me dim, as sleep overtook me.


Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, took me forever to figure out what I wanted to happen. I'm so glad that I finally did. I hope that you are enjoying this story. Again I own nothing. At all. Except the plot and a few characters. That's all. Rick Riordan owns everything else. Now I'm just wasting space. Ok. I'm almost done. Now.

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