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*Addi's POV*

I cried for I don't know how long. The demon queen never came back. I knew that I had to keep this secret till the day I died. Or I decided to tell them. I don't think I'll ever tell them. I kept thinking about what Hypnos said before I died," If you didn't become a hunter I would have asked you an a date." It kept running through my mind. "If I ever get out of here, I'm going to start planning my wedding." I thought. Then a thought struck. I have my phone. I completely forgot. Duh. I pulled out my phone to find that I had amazing signal in here. I had like four bars. I quickly dialed the first number that came to mind. "Nico. It's me. I'm alive. I called for Bob. I'm going to be ok." I heard his sharp intake of breath as the words came out of my mouth. I could practically hear his smile. Know that he was smiling, despite the situation, brought a smile to my lips as well. "Addi. Don't scare me like that again. Why did you do that?!?! Do you realize how badly I was scared?!?! Oh my gods I miss you. We're in Bologna. We took a detour but I'm sure that we can make at the same time. I love you." He said all in one breath. "Nico, calm down. I love you too. You know why I did it. I'll get out. I promise. I'll get out as soon as I can. I can't wait to see you again." "Same here baby. Same here." "Oh and you know how we did that thing?" "Yeah what about it?" I could here the curiosity burning behind his words. "Um. Well. You see. I might have become pregnant. I sorta talked apollo via Iris Message and yeah." At first he didn't seem to register what I said. When he did you could almost hear it click. "OH MY GODS! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!? ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?" After his reaction he calmed down some but before I could say any thing else, my friend popped his head in the room. "Adrian, we must go if we are to beat the monster to my other friends." "Ok. Hey Nico, I have to go. I'll see you soon. I promise. Now go. Don't worry I'll be fine." I hung up the phone and Bob walked in with someone else on his shoulder. "Hi." The strange girl said. "I'm Maria. Daughter of Proserpina, the roman form of Persephone." She had blond hair that was the color of dandelions with streaks of white that looked like the color of lilies. Her eyes were a bright lilic color."Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get going. We've got some monsters to beat."

*Nico POV*

After the call, I sat there dumbfound until I felt someone shadowtraveling. I turned around and saw a girl with black hair and almost as dark eyes. Put that with the shadowtraveling and anyone could figure out that she was a daughter of Hades. "Hello. I'm MacKinzie." "I'm Nico. Your brother apparently." We got to talking and we devised a plan. "I sent a friend ahead. And she should help her get out. I just hope that Addi trust her." "I just hope that Percy doesn't find her. He'd kill her." She laughed when I said that. Soon enough we were both laughing hysterically. I smiled knowing that soon I would see my fiancée and she is pregnant with my baby. Soon she would be mine. Then I had a thought that shocked me out of my happy state. Addi could see more than other people. She could see as much down there as I could. I only wish I had enough strength to shadowtravel. I hope Addi will be ok.
Hey guys. Sorry it took so long but it's done. That's what counts right? So what should the baby be? Do you have any ideas for names? What do you think about her being pregnant? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! Also Maria is @tamboreine12. I hope you like your character! Thank you my lovely readers! Bye!

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