Chapter 3

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The elevator groaned to a halt and its doors opened for Marie to exit. Stepping out, she glanced around. Almost immediately once the doors closed, she was enveloped in darkness. Squinting, she felt around in her bag to see if she remembered a flashlight but couldn't feel one. She frowned and zipped her bag back up before feeling her way around. Perhaps she could find a light switch or flashlight! Literally stumbling in the dark, the brunette breathed quietly as her one hand trailed along the wall. The more Marie wandered down the hall, the more lost she became and she had yet to find a light source. Stopping in her path, she grumbled under her breath and kicked the wall angrily. As soon as her foot made contact with the wall, suddenly the lights above her flickered back on. Marie looked up and let out a shaky breath. Well, that was strangely good timing. Throbbing pain in her shoulder reminded her of her wound.

Glancing about, she tried some doors and found one unlocked labeled Emergency Room. Closing the door behind her, Marie noticed some first aid supplies strewn about. She picked up some gauze, a bandage and ointment. After a few minutes, her wound was wrapped. It was at that point when she dug into her bag to get something important only for her to freeze. The teen spewed out something quietly and groaned. Gripping her hair in frustration, she left the room and resumed her journey. The more she walked deeper into the sewers, the more uneasy she became. The lights struggled to stay on as they whined overhead. An immediate foul smell reached Marie's nose and she scrunched her face up in disgust.

She gripped her bag tighter, beginning to walk down a lanky walkway to the right. There were crude signs that had writing on it but it was faded. Yep, she'd definitely get lost down here. Must, possibly asbestos, and mold made Marie cover her mouth. Her smaller footsteps echoed as she walked further and further through the mountains of garbage. There were various items poking out of bags and strewn everywhere. Napkins, empty cups, forgotten plushies and other merchandise lay collecting dust and dirt. As Marie walked by another walkway that intersected with hers, a pair of blue eyes with a red tint stared ahead in a dark area of the sewer.

Something moved and a bag of garbage toppled down a large pile. Marie froze, turning her head towards the movement. Brown eyes scanned for a source but she couldn't find one. She swallowed a lump in her throat and stopped in her tracks. ".....Heh'oh?" She quietly called out. Her slurred voice resonated for a moment and all she could hear as a response was silence. No movement, no reply. That was very...strange. The girl glimpsed over her shoulder at the empty walkway. She turned around and took a breath in. Resuming her path, she searched around attempting to come across a trace of her dad. After turning a left and a right, she spotted a ripped lab coat hanging from a metal rod to her left. Her eyes widened.

Taking the lab coat down, her hands traced the threadwork and its rips. Was this his? Or someone else's? Why is it down here?


Residing in the sewer and its trash for a while made him grow used to the smell. He had lost count as to how long exactly he was there: months, years maybe. Additionally, it was like a maze and he couldn't move as well as before. Presently, his living space was a crevice of smooshed trash bags being held up by wooden beams for support. It was the best he could have given the circumstances and he didn't expect anyone to find him some time after his disappearance. He was so used to the silence of the sewers that he almost didn't hear the sudden young voice that spoke.

His ear perked and he shakily stood from his sitting position. What-no, who was that? Who would be down here? His body and frame creaked as he stood up, peering around in the direction of the voice. It became eerily quiet for about a minute before he heard "Come out come out wherever you are! Your parents are looking for you." That sounded like Glamrock Chica, not like the voice he just heard. He peeked around the corner and spotted Chica staggering around. It seemed like she was looking for someone.


Marie looked up from her inspection of the lab coat and saw another animatronic stumbling around the corner. She turned, running down the lanky walkway and down a diverted path. The chicken-like figure turned its head with its red eyes staring after the girl. Breaking into a quick pace, Glamrock Chica followed Marie and the girl glanced to see her reaching out to grab her. She ducked and felt fear sweep over herself again. Chica shrieked as she went to grab her again. "I'm just trying to help." She said creepily, her voice distorting as she spoke. Marie took her backpack off and swung it at her, causing the chicken animatronic to be hit in the face. She stumbled back with a "Bawk!". The deaf adolescent put the backpack back on and ran down the walkway.

She rounded a corner and panted out of breath. Sinking to the ground, Marie winced at her throbbing shoulder. Her heart pounded like a drum. What was another animatronic doing here? In the sewers nonetheless! She clutched her shirt and briefly closed her eyes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....A few minutes had gone by and she thought that Chica had left. She opened her eyes but scooted back with wide and fearful eyes.

In front of her, crouched to meet her height, was not Glamock Chica but a very broken animatronic. Purple bunny ears were bent and wires exposed at the tips. Magenta colored eyes watched her, while its hands rested on its thighs. The bunny wore a torn bowling jacket. Marie scooted back further and the bunny held its hands out. "Oh no! It's ok! I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm...It's ok." he spoke, grateful his face was still intact to speak. "You can come out." he added. But the girl just stayed where she was. The bunny frowned a bit, standing slowly and moving back a bit. His legs squeaked at the weight shift. The metal beneath the fur could be seen as he stood.

He looked at the girl once more. "See? You can come out now." he coaxed. Marie saw him move back, shifting cautiously. He didn't seem...murderous. Yet...She hesitantly stood up and stepped into the light. Her grip on her bag tightened, brown messy hair falling over the right side of her face. He saw her gripping the torn lab coat, which made him tilt his head. Eyes trailing back to her face, which held nervousness and fear, the bunny frowned. "What's your name? Why are you down here by yourself? It's dangerous." But the child didn't say a word as she stared at him. Frustration started to rise in his frame. Silence enveloped the air between the two and Marie bit her lip before she held up her dad's ID badge with a pleading look.

The torn bunny paused as his eyes wandered to the item in the girl's hands. Reading the name, his eyes widened in some realization. "Who is-"

"P'eeze..." Marie suddenly slurred out as she watched him. She pointed to herself and then the photo, placing her thumb of her opened hand to her forehead. He heaved a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. Ears drooping, he went to speak but was cut off by "This area is off-limits!" The animatronic turned his head to the side to see Glamrock Chica shaking like her joints were locked up as she walked towards them. One eye lazy and the other looking around made Marie freeze. "What the hell...? Again?" The bunny muttered. Chica started approaching Marie and the bunny limped in front of her. He looked over his shoulder at Marie. He motioned for her to go as Chica attempted to pry her way past him.

Marie backed up, watching the bunny hold the chicken back. Then, her feet turned and she started running down the passageway towards the exit, confused as to who that was. Why was he helping her?


The 20 year old ran a hand back through his black hair, eyes staring at the abandoned pizzaplex in front of him. He had found Marie's empty room 2 hours prior and certain newspaper clippings were gone. Cursing under his breath, Garrett took a pair of hearing aids out from his jacket pocket. He knew his sister was stubborn but also forgetful? That wasn't like her. "Marie, I swear to god, you better not have gone in..." he said with a frown, crawling through an open window to the vast and once forgotten mall.

As soon as he stood up from entering, a sudden noise made Garrett stop dead in his tracks. A gargled scream reverberated through the building and his eyes widened. He knew who it was. "Shit!" Garrett wasted no time running off towards the scream.

Keep on running 'cause you're out of time.


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