Chapter 4

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Garrett sped towards the bone-chilling scream that caused him to be struck with worry. Because the building was partially lit, he struggled to find his way towards the voice. After about a minute, he rounded the corner and his sneakers squeaked as he stopped in the hallway. Marie always seemed to be getting into a mess and the fact that 85% of the time he had to bail her out made Garrett roll his eyes and wonder if she ever enjoyed it. But now, all he could think of was how stupid she was and if she was okay. God, he hoped she was. Mom would kill him if she wasn't...

"You think you're better than me? You are NOTHING!"

Garrett's eyes widened, spotting a wolf-like animatronic, snarling and stalking towards his younger sister who was backing up against the wall. He wasted no time charging over and using his shoulder, knocking the wolf backwards. She fell and snarled as Marie's eyes widened in surprise seeing her older brother there. The young man whirled around and looked his little sister over, frowning. Once he knew she was ok he then signed 'What were you thinking? You snuck out WAY past your bedtime to come here of all places?!' before giving Marie her hearing aids. She placed them over her ears, and turned them on. 'Well, unlike you and everyone else, I wanted to do something to find Dad!' She signed back with a glare.

"Hey! I miss him too! Don't think I don't, but that doesn't mean SNEAK OUT and BREAK INTO a mall!" He replied, his expression turning sour. Marie narrowed her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. "Don't give me that look! You know I'm right." Garrett argued. She was about to sign a reply but her eyes widened instead. "What?" her brother asked exasperatedly. Grabbing his arm, she quickly pulled him aside just as the animatronic wolf crashed into the wall. "Jezus!" Garrett exclaimed in surprise, flinching and staring at the wolf. Roxanne Wolf growled and pushed herself up.

"I'm still beautiful! You're NOT!" She snarled. Garrett looked between her and Marie, giving her a look of 'What in God's name did you do?'. Marie held her hands up in defense and silently shrugged. There was a thick tension between human and animatronic before Roxy charged at the pair. Garrett grabbed Marie and ran with her out of the area, speeding down the lobby stairs and towards the doors. But he found them locked and the window they came in from... "Shit! This isn't where I came in!" He growled with annoyance. The pizzaplex was so big that one could get lost in it after merely 5 minutes. "Come on!" Garrett urged Marie and led her to another area but this time, it was to one of the atriums.

After about five minutes, the siblings realized something that made their skin crawl.

They were trapped inside the pizzaplex.

The doors were locked. Garrett had no recollection where he came in from and he had no idea where they were now. Exhaling loudly while pinching the bridge of his nose, the young man briefly closed his eyes. "Mars, do you remember where you snuck in from?" he asked hopefully. Marie shook her head, causing her brother to groan in frustration. Checking his watch, he noticed it was now midnight. "SHIT." That comment resulted in a glare in his direction. "Hey! I can be upset and I can curse if I want to. You're going to be in sooooo much trouble when we get home." The brunette glared harder and angrily started signing.


Dealing with Chica had taken a lot of energy, a lot of unnecessary energy to be exact. He had to knock her out and hide her in a supply closet. Now, where was the girl? Glancing around, a frown formed on his face. He paused before he heard a voice coming from one of the main lobbies. His feet trudged up the ramp and he looked around from the entrance that opened up to the lobby. There was an older boy talking to the brunette and he looked annoyed. "Mars, stop! You need to leave this sort of stuff for-" he said suddenly.

The bunny slowly started moving towards them. Whoever this was, knew the girl. Once he got within a couple of feet of the pair, he cleared his throat. The girl stopped signing, and looked up to see the animatronic while the boy jumped in surprise and stood in front of her protectively.

"Back off! I WILL slam you into the wall like your friend!" the boy said. The bunny raised his hands and stopped moving. "Woah, easy. I just wanted to make sure the girl was safe!" he explained. The boy narrowed his eyes at him but Marie grabbed his hand. He looked down at her and she nodded. "Who are you exactly?" the animatronic asked. "I'm her brother. Garrett." the boy answered. "Ok, well I'm....I'm Bonnie." he replied, with a hint of hesitation. He then looked at the girl. "Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded and Bonnie realized he never got her name from earlier.

'My name is Marie.' Marie signed shyly. His eyes watched her hand movements before they flickered in surprise. Wait. Marie? Crouching down now, the forgotten animatronic stared at Marie and then at Garrett. His internal systems sent conflicting messages to his processor as his eyes widened. "Uhhh Bonnie? You good?" Garrett asked hesitantly from his left. Marie watched the bunny staring at her and her brother in shock. "Y-you said that're Garrett and Marie?" Bonnie stuttered and Marie nodded in response. His eyes trailed to the torn lab coat in the young girl's hands. The brunette followed his gaze, her face lighting up. 'Do you know our dad? Do you know where he is? His name is Marty!' her hands fluttered excitedly.

Something in the glamrock's chest felt sickening and heavy. While Marie's eyes looked up at him and Garrett hopefully, Bonnie managed to let out a shaky sigh. "You two shouldn't be here. You can get hurt." he stated quietly as he managed to stand. The girl frowned, obviously not liking his answer. "You know what? That's a fantastic idea! Mars, let's go." Garrett stated, motioning her to follow him. His sister, however, had other ideas. She remained rooted in place, her hazel eyes glazed over with tears as she stared up at the bunny. 'Please...' she signed pleadingly.

Bonnie felt a pit in his stomach area while watching Marie. I can't tell them... He shook his head in response. 'I don't know him. I'm sorry.' He signed. Marie looked disheartened and he looked to the older boy, who still seemed hesitant. "Which entrance did you and your sister come from? I'll lead you to the exit before he finds you." Bonnie stated but Garrett cut him off. "Wait "he"? Wolf girl is after us. Who else is?" he asked concerned with wide eyes, his grip on his sister's arm tightening. Wait wait...he doesn't know they're here? The bunny thought, glancing around. Thankfully Roxanne was still knocked out which allowed him to usher the two teens around her and hurried down one of the hallways leaving the lobby.

Red eyes watched them leave, a permanent smile etched on an obscured figure behind the large Glamrock Freddy statue. He will be happy to know that they were all here just in time for what's to come...

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