The Meeting

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"Next, next, NEXT" Ranboo yelled. "The princess of the Nether Fortress," the Announcer said. "Maybe you will like this one. She seems nice." Ran whispered. Ranboo didn't answer. He just stared into the distance. A bell rang to let everyone know that the first half was down. Ranboo then got up and walked to the balcony. He heard footsteps. Soon after, his mother's hands were wrapped around his waist. "You'll find the right one, don't worry, I'm sure she will be beautiful" But what if he wanted a he, not a she. He whispered ok and walked back in, looking at his shoes. As soon as he was about to bring his head up, he bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry." His eyes sparkled and as Ranboo brought up his head his heart was beating faster than usual. Was it.... Love at first sight? "Hi Prince Ranboo. It is on me, I should've looked where I was going. I'm Tubbo." Ranboo stared at him for a second."I'm Ranboo, oh you already know this. He blushed. Another bell then rang. "Oh well, I have to go back now." He then scurried back to the throne. Ranboo couldn't stop thinking about him. He was love-struck.

(204 words)

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