Discovery of Viking History

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"Hiccup! What's going on?" Astrid whispered as she ducked while different species of dragons flew next to Toothless, peering at them wildly. Harper budged next to Toothless, "Hiccup I got control of Harper now. Is Toothless ready?" Hiccup looked down at his eyes. Back to full pupils. Hiccup nodded. "Is there anyway we can turn around?" Astrid said, she had her arms strapped tightly around Hiccup wanting to be invisible. "No, I think it's best to just lie low." Hiccup responded slowly. "Where are they taking all this?" Harper screeched quietly not wanting to know. Exchanging glances the 5 entered the smoke surrounded volcano littered with dragons.

"Come on girl." Katerina landed Harper on a platform half covered in towering rocks next to Hiccup. "Look!" Astrids eyes trailed to the dragons dropping animals and fish into a smoke covered hole. "So they just take all our food to dump it in a hole?" Katerina questioned. Harper screeched feebly as she shrank close behind Katerina. "Shh. It's almost over." Katerina reassured her while patting her head. A large gronckle with damaged wings flew into the center of the hole and dropped a tiny salmon inside. Every dragon that was in the open scattered to find a hiding place. "Hiccup lets go!" Katerina and Astrid shot Hiccup concerning looks. Hiccup held up one finger. Katerina hopped on Harper, ready to fly away as soon as disaster struck.

The gronckle slowly flew away but he was too slow. A dragon jaw the size of 4 boulders combined rose up and swallowed the gronckle whole. It stretched its neck up one more time to catch a hideous zippleback. But no it wasn't finished. The dragon swayed it's mouth towards where Harper and Toothless were. Flying away just in time and struggling to hold on from fear Astrid fell of Toothless when they were high and fat enough from the red hole. "Astrid!" Katerina flew Harper up and just caught Astrid in Harpers talons. A roar indicated that it was done eating. But It'll come out for more.

"We have to tell my father!" Hiccup circled the lake again. "But Hiccup if you tell your father how you found it he's going to want to know how." Astrid reminded. "And you still have to go in the arena with the monstrous nightmare!" "You'll have to tell him eventually about your dragon Hiccup. We both will." Katerina sighed. "N-no we don't." Astrid walked up to him, "It's your choice Hiccup." She turned around to Katerina and smiled concerningly then she ran home.

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